This shouldn't surprise anyone. USA Today outsells the NY Times. This has been a trend for a long time. People don't want to pay for a large daily paper and certainly aren't willing to pay for well researched extensive and expensive articles. And, if the articles don't prove their already existing notions, they will just find an online alternative that gives them the "truth" they want.

Face it, as a society now we favor an inch deep and a mile wide over an inch wide and a mile deep. Now we may even be favoring and inch wide and an inch deep.

And, for anything that is over 15 minutes old, it is old news. Our attention span is short, short, short. We post short notes on sites. We don't even email anymore...we text. We take our "news" from tweets where we allow anyone to claim "truth" .... the writer is the fact checker and the accused gets to write their own "news".