Quote Originally Posted by Magic's Immune System View Post
Nobody rides the busses, very few will ride the streetcars.

Huge waste of money. We could've rented limo's to cart people around for 10 years for what we are paying for this debacle.
Buses provide a great service for our city; wouldn't compare it to the targeted small area streetcar route. Definitely understand your view from an economic standpoint. Magic's Immune System, how important is your immune system; are you cutting costs (vitamins, nutrients, food...)?

Many had this view about our original MAPS' initiative which helped jump-start OKC. The streetcar will be a cumulative investment added to the many amenities our city offers--Bennett Events Center, Riversport Rapids, new Convention Center and others. As I mentioned to a neighbor this morning who I took to a job interview (his car wouldn't start); you've got to invest in clothes/transit--because that initial impression will determine how competitive you are in landing a new job, how you feel about yourself and the impression you make on the interviewer.

Cities have to make themselves attractive if they are to be considered for bringing new businesses to the area; everything is not going to turn a profit--the competitiveness among cities have reached a new height. Can OKC get in the game...