Tamashii very, VERY visible from Hudson, which while as I mentioned with Ludivine Hudson isn’t quite as high-volume as the other streets mentioned, it probably has a vehicular traffic count in the dozens of times higher than Second and probably literally a hundred or hundreds of times more than the street Besos is on. Speakeasy has the same relationship with Western, and 51st is a high-volume cut-through between Classen traffic circle and Western.
Both places see tremendously higher views from passing cars than does Besos.
I’m not claiming traffic count is the ONLY factor - The Wedge Deep Deuce is another rare example of a place that has survived an out-of-the-way spot - just saying that it is a SIGNIFICANT factor. In the Wedge’s case it helps that it already had a following on Western, arrived in downtown well before most other places, and that it has a larger restaurant family to prop it up when slow. Nearby Skinny Slim’s is another, but again, part of a larger chain, also uniquely visible from Walnut Bridge AND they have done an amazing job of tapping into a loyal subculture (soccer fans).