Urbanized, I'll hand it to you, you spin well. The fact is that I don't need to know what people do for a living or anything else. I knew that you WERE close to the downtown power structure, I hadn't read that you had openly talked about this. Your cheerleading for all things downtown, including what many here believe to be fishy at best, seemed to be a good time to discuss why you might possibly support all of these things that seem indefensible to some of us. I don't have a problem with logic, I agree with you about the internet truly ruining our country with the lack of civil discourse, and I don't think anything I have written rises to that. I thought it relevant. You seem to want to portray your job as just another guy trying to make a buck (your new signature?), but you are actually a spokesman and manager for the taxi business and that includes your role in the financial arrangements involving the power structure. Again, to me, knowing what I know, that is relevant to your supporting so many things many of us simply cannot defend. I'm sorry if it sounds like an attack, I mean it only as a possible explanation for your never (rarely?) bucking the powers-that-be. In my mind, YOU are the one blowing this up. Asking for challenges, giving all the info you did, asking for mine, and really making a huge deal over an observation that many might might hold given the facts. One that you are free to rebut of course, but you have gone well beyond that. But, you already know that. You felt the need to attack an observation that any logical person could possibly arrive at. Rebut, but don't blow it up and turn this around. Making it about me only makes you look like you protest a bit too much.
Back to open meeting violations? And entities formed to get around problematic discussion - in private? Me too.