Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
EDIT: I am an idiot. It could be on the ballot in November as SQ 797. I had forgotten there is a signature petition going on right now to put it on the ballot. My apologies. I don't know how organized the effort is; I haven't heard much of it. Perhaps it gains steam after tonight.

I doubt recreational marijuana would pass in November, but I think the chances are much much greater after tonight.
I want to revisit what I said on primary election night. I said I doubted recreational marijuana would pass in November, and I said that because I didn't think there was a cohesive, serious campaign by any organization to get it passed nor did I think the voters were ready for it. The events of the last week show you just how quickly the dynamics in politics can shift. I think the Board of Health's actions likely ignited a movement and angered so many people that the chance of recreational marijuana passing in November increased substantially. I think, though I have no quantitative evidence to prove it, there is a significant number of people who were either apathetic or undecided to the state question that are outraged by the government's gutting of the people's will. You don't have to approve of marijuana legalization to be angered by that--and I think that's going to have a massive impact in November.