I'm not professing knowledge on this subject, but has anyone considered the idea that this may not be being driven by the Energy? What I mean is this: while I would agree with the assessment that the Energy is almost certainly the desired tenant, has anyone considered the idea that the developer of Chisholm Creek is driving this as a pitch to the Energy? Would make sense for the developer to pitch this if:
- They know Prodigal desires a new location and that a temporary location and "pop-up" stadium would be an acceptable option for now
- There are no immediate plans to develop this particular portion of CC
- The stadium would provide game and event nights to feed business to existing and incoming CC tenants
I'm just saying this seems to benefit CC as much or even more than the Energy, and creates a temporary activation similar to (but obviously much larger than) Bleu Garten did in Midtown, for instance. Would make sense for CC to make such a pitch to the Energy, and depending on timelines would also make sense for them to get engineering and even permitting underway just in case they were told yes.
There seems to be lots of assumption here that this is a done deal, and unless there is something else known that hasn't been reported here I'd caution against taking it to the bank.