Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
My partner works for MPS and he and all of his coworkers think very highly of Dr. McDaniel, AFAIK. *shrug*
I'm not saying there aren't those that like him, but of the 10 or 12 MPS employees I know, I can think of one that doesn't dislike him. The biggest complaint is his focus on spending money, and not on the right things. I don't personally work there so all I have is second hand opinion. All I know is my mom text me on Monday when it was announced to them and said she was so excited he was gone. There has to be some truth to her feelings, because 2 of OKC's board members voted against him saying he was the wrong direction. No one's perfect I get that, but I hope for the sake of OKCPS that he does well and proves people wrong.