Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
Thank you, Easy, for remembering.

Okay, so I'm not being fair. But this whole thread isn't fair...and I'm pretty sure Mid is right in saying that this whole thread is a violation of the TOS, if we're going to get all technical about it.

Everyone here seems to have completely been in love with these two, and I saw a different side. That's all I'm trying to say. I can't back that up without giving some personal experiences, although they were on this public forum. This forum will continue with or without them.

I did a search for you, Doug: http://www.okctalk.com/okc-undergrou...gift#post73903

Actually, Patrick asked Mid for the wedding gift money back, not me, but since we are married, I was a little more than insulted. I didn't really say that on the forum, but it was said for me.

I'm pretty sure if you all want to keep in touch with Patrick and/or Keith, you can find their email addresses pretty easily.

And Doug, I didn't necessarily mean you weren't listening to what I had to say, but that my opinion is obviously SO different on this topic, and everyone is going to be protective of these two ex-mods, that I really don't see any point to me posting much more in this thread, because everyone's minds are already made up.
Thanks, Bandnerd,

Well, I now see that there is a good reason that I don't visit "The Underground"! What Patrick said there was clearly in the "tacky" category and the whole discussion of "family" in that thread (which I've just completely read) is as dumb as a can of worms, imo.

I think that you may have a misperception, though, about what I'm saying or, at least, trying to. My intent is not to "defend" either Keith or Patrick in the sense that I'm "in love" with either of them and I certainly don't stand up for remarks like Patrick made in "the Underground," which I gather is something like a no-holds-barred place to go to by definition -- I guess one enters "the Underground" at one's risk! As should be evident enough from comments I've made, in this thread and elsewhere, I'm certainly not a Christian conservative ... I'm not inclined to be a religious person at all. Ethical, I hope, but "religious", not.

But, banning someone from a public forum who I disagree with or who I don't like is not where I'm at, either. Of course, that's not my call to make. As for being "protective", all I would add is that is was just as protective, in this sense, of Midtowner, when he was banned here, if you were not aware.