Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
Agree with this as well as the fact mentioned by BBQ that the area is developing with the proposed athletic venue. One needs to keep in mind that this is still less than 5 miles to downtown Norman and relatively close to 405 brewing. Other considerations need to be made when opening a facility like this other than can people walk here from a restaurant/ entertainment venue. Norman is not OKC and this will not be as far flung as Coop is from the city center. The site would also allow travellers easy off-on to I-35, thereby getting those people to stop in Norman and entice them to UNP or downtown.
Agreed. Less than a mile from 405, and will be a lot more visible than 405. Easy access to/from I-35, and close to a huge amount of people each way on Tecumseh. The only thing I don't like about it and the 405 location for that matter is being on basically a highway severely limits the ability to bike to the breweries. Flood/77 is still one street I generally avoid while biking.