Disclaimer: I am posting this just to get other peoples point of views, and I don't expect everyone (or anyone) to agree with me.

From what I saw and heard, I don't think that the OKCPD were of any use today. When the guy in the truck elected to run a car off the road during the chase, it was at that point in time that he showed complete disregard to other lives, and the police should have beefed up the force and engaged the suspect, even if that meant shooting him. Yet, they just followed him around. There were several instances that he neared other houses, and could have entered these houses, and the police weren't in a position to stop him. Could have been a hostage situation in seconds.

From what I heard from a law enforcement friend, the Cleveland County sheriff basically told the OKCPD to get out of the way due to lack of action, and ended this thing in the rural farm field before it escalated, and the OKCPD could have done the same.

I don't want to see the suspect get shot, but I have to go back to when he endangered other lives. That could have been someone's parents, grandparents, kids, friends, one of you all on this board that I agree and disagree with in that car.

Kudos to the Moore Public School Systems for locking down schools and sending a broadcast message to all parents. That is how I found out about what was going on.