Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
That $500 million number is of course based on math that suits your argument and is just as debatable and squishy as the math you suggest the City uses for its own purposes. Including the hotel in your total, for instance, is of course a defensible position but it’s also an incomplete telling and completely debatable.

For the record the anticipated base bid of the convention center is $193 million.
It's based on actual figures provided by the City. And that base bid is only part of the project.

And since you are challenging my objectivity I must restate I have nothing to gain here where you and your business are completely tied to this project and the people who run it.

In Millions:
Convention Center $252
Contingency moved to CC budget $36
Parking garage $10
Hotel public cost $85
Interest on $85MM $50
TIF for land acquisition $10
Total $443

Land swap with OG&E $10
Add Alternates $9
Hotel land $10
Total cost of parking garage less $10MM $27