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You know, I'm glad someone else has noticed that. I thought I was just getting grumpy (-ier) but it seems like they (all the local stations, not just KFOR) really love throwing out that old saw about "all local, all the time" right before cutting to a story about how someone in Montana dropped their car keys down a storm drain and half the town showed up to help. Maybe that was a big news item in that town, but I'm just sitting here in the middle of Oklahoma thinking "who the hell cares?". They sure got a lot of traction with that engagement ring on a carrot story, and that was in Canada. These would be fluff pieces if they happened across the street, let alone a different country.
On the other hand, let's be honest, the local news is just depressing. They're throwing in the carrot stories because otherwise they would have to report how much it's going to cost per day for the special session, or how teachers can get more money flipping Papa John's signs on the side of the road.