Quote Originally Posted by John1744 View Post
I'm assuming they have completely abandoned use of the Omnidome at the Science Museum? We've been a couple times in the last year or two and the area is always blocked off and now I can't even find a mention of the movies on the website. What a shame as it was a nice true IMAX like experience even if it only showed science documentaries.
The Omnidome closed about a year or so ago. Not enough people would go there to watch science documentaries for it to be profitable. It's unfortunate that its closed but I guess that's a sign of the times. Today, if people want to see something on IMAX they can go to the Warren and see a first-run film or if they want to see a science documentary, they have hundreds to choose from on Netflix. That didn't exist when the theater opened in 2000.

They still have a 70mm true IMAX projector wasting away. I think if they wanted to, they could show first-run films and it would be a major success. Cinema nerds will travel hundreds of miles to see movies on a true 70mm IMAX.