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Thread: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.

  1. #26
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    Default Re: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.

    Savage the parking lot of the CCC if feasible.

    Really feel that the new convention center complex has more potential than projected.

    Would like to see a future (post 2020) high rise 1,000 plus room hotel & residential development built on Cox site. OKC convention industry just may see a spike entering the 2020. The OKC downtown-bricktown area growth could be the target of a future development boom post 2020.

  2. Default Re: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    KC Power and Light has saddled Kansas City with HUGE debt, to the point where the City cannot properly fund its pension fund. It has dramatically underperformed projections. This because Cordish demanded HUGE subsidy up front. It has had negative consequences for existing, established districts like Westport, acting in a predatory manner. It has had terrible public relations issues with violence and with a controversial dress code that critics alleged was racially-motivated. All in all it's not been what KC officials had hoped.

    The one place where it HAS seemed to be successful is where OKC is already doing great; it has spurred housing development in a once blighted area. As bad as OKC's downtown was in recent memory, Kansas City's was worse. So basically, P&L was KC's answer to MAPS, but with less overall success to date.

    We don't need a place that competes with existing districts; we need places that take advantage of amenities already in place, such as the MBG, Film Row, Bricktown, adjacent streetcar/AMTRAK access, and others.

    An entertainment-focused development would unnecessarily compete with what we already enjoy, but that doesn't mean mixed use doesn't make sense. Instead there should be emphasis on office, hotel and ESPECIALLY residential, with associated services. For instance, maybe this is where the City Target some desire makes sense.. Perhaps not as sexy at first glance, but far more sustainable on multiple levels.
    I think this Cox site is where we see just how innovative of a TOD we are capable of pulling off.

    As for Power + Light, we'll see if the streetcar helps. To their credit, they went above and beyond with the finish quality, preserved some iconic buildings, and enacted a TON of iconic placemaking. I'd argue that KC's public got a lot out of that project, even if Cordish hasn't been that great to work with.

    KC has some financial problems that are typical of inner cities once they get boxed in. They also have a well-funded RTA and a full trophy case of public projects (Kaufman PAC, Sprint Center, parks, streetcar, public market, etc). I don't think KC has done too badly. It's kind of cyclical logic to point out that maybe they've exhausted their capacity. That's kind of the point I think.

    I know you're not attacking KC, but still, I gotta defend one of my favorite cities against a negative interpretation.

  3. Default Re: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.

    Not attacking KC at all. I love that city. But the fact remains that their downtown was very stagnant compared to OKC and that P&L was essentially a desperation move. One that was heavily-funded by taxpayers. In a way, it was their MAPS, except that it primarily benefitted Cordish.

    OKC needs no such desperation moves. Our downtown development is smoking hot, this despite a downturn in a key part of our economy. Beyond that, we don't need a taxpayer-funded entertainment center to directly compete with nearby districts that are achieving the same results organically, and largely through private investment.

    It makes much more sense - ESPECIALLY if taxpayer support is involved - for this piece of real estate to be utilized in a way that fills gaps in our current downtown and the community in general. Those could include transit components, housing types that currently don't exist (high rise), services (could include something like a City Target), and as-needed office, hotel, etc.

    Of course there would be a place in a thoughtful mixed use redevelopment for some dining and entertainment options, but to build an entertainment heavy/focused venue would only be robbing Peter to pay Paul, and do more harm than good. ESPECIALLY if it involved public financing.

  4. #29
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    Default Re: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.

    Although many of us want to see the growth boom, we need to recognized the impact of collective MAPS projects and how they have impacted our city.

    We are in the early stages of Big League City status; however we still have a long way to go.

    There were initial plans (MAPS I) to downside the Myriad by keeping the upper 400 level seating of the Great Arena retrofitting the upper level to a smaller arena with more floor space (approximately 7,000 seats) and converting the lower level to exhibition space. Not sure what the retrofit would have cost at time. https://seatgeek.com/venues/cox-conv.../seating-chart

    It was believed that the retrofit would have made it more friendly for trade shows, rodeos & events like Red Earth & the International Finals Rodeo (IFR) where you wouldn't need a high ceiling. Now the focus of those events has shifted to the Fairgrounds.

    We may need to keep the Cox site (4 square blocks) for future expansion of a more expanded cc complex that would include the new convention center & conference hotel, the Chesapeake Energy Arena & the current Cox Convention Center which could be used to build a mega hotel.

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