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Thread: NW 10th "Streetscape" (Penn to May)

  1. #1

    Default NW 10th "Streetscape" (Penn to May)

    Interesting report this morning at City Council. Approximately $2 million will be spent to make improvements on NW 10th between Pennsylvania and May. Namely, these improvements will involve sidewalk replacement, ADA accessible sidewalks and concrete pads for two EMBARK bus stops, curb and drainage improvements, asphalt milling and resurfacing.

    Not much in terms of "beautification" but still notable since this is a fairly neglected area with regards to infrastructure. This is to be financed by the 2007 GO Bond and completed by the late summer of 2018.

    They are pursuing federal funds for a match on this project all though it is fully financed through the GO Bond.

  2. #2

    Default Re: NW 10th "Streetscape" (Penn to May)

    To find out more information, look at today's council meeting agenda. I could not make the link work.

  3. #3

    Default Re: NW 10th "Streetscape" (Penn to May)


    NW 10th Street from North Pennsylvania Avenue to North May Avenue
    This 2007 General Obligation Bond Authorization, Proposition No. 1 –
    Streets, Bond Project No. A.25. project provides for the Engineer’s design
    and all other engineering services related to streetscape improvements at
    the above location and which may include traffic control signals, signs,
    markings, devices, conduits, street lighting, drainage, intersection
    improvements, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, sidewalk
    installation/repair, street furniture, and/or landscaping and related
    irrigation systems.

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