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Thread: Mack Brown

  1. #1

    Default Mack Brown

    I have to say that, in spite of my general disdain for Mack as the coach at Texas, he has been doing an excellent job as an analyst for ESPN, both in studio and at games. He is usually spot on in his observations.

  2. Default Re: Mack Brown

    At times he did/said laughable stuff while at UT, but pretty much 100% of my dislike for him centered around him being Texas' coach, especially when he had OU's number for a while. I've always said that he'd probably be a hell of a guy to have a beer with, and it's indisputable that the man knows football and has seen some incredible talent (and games) in his career.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mack Brown

    Watching ABC today for Michigan-BYU. Mack Brown is an excellent studio analyst. He provides great insights, super delivery, and comes across as the consummate pro. Great addition to ESPN/ABC.

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