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And I have zero idea what conditions those rabbits were raised under and what was put into their bodies.
I can raise rabbits for virtually no cost (got our first breeders with supplies for free off Craigslist). They provide excellent free fertilizer for our 5 4'x12' raised gardens. We find it enjoyable to raise them and they are low maintenance. And, best of all, they pay their own keep (in fertilizer/meat) and I know exactly what conditions the meat was harvested and what it ingested.
Since moving to a few acres we now have the ability to be a bit more self-sustaining, consciences about our health, etc. Got the garden for fruit/veggies, have planted 6 dwarf fruit trees, have the rabbits, and even have a flock of Guineas that stay pretty much in our yard and provide eggs and excellent weed, tick and bug control. So much so, we no longer have to spray the yard with chemicals.
Just trying to be a bit more in the realm of conservers as opposed to consumers. The biggest benefit is cost savings and a health, active lifestyle.