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Thread: Turn back the clock

  1. Default Turn back the clock

    If you could go back in time only within your lifetime or the time you have lived in Oklahoma City (whichever is shorter. Example. If you have lived in Oklahoma City, say, a year, then that is how far you can go), and change any of the civic improvements or add some, what one(s) would it (they) be, and why?

  2. Default Re: Turn back the clock

    I would have move I-40 at least a decade ago.

    Put in harsher building requirements for the south canal.

    Created a recurring bond or added tax to fun continual road repairs.

    Push to have a real loop surround the city so that you could circle the city in a NON toll road.

  3. Default Re: Turn back the clock

    I agree with the loop idea that completely surrounds the metro area. They really should've taken the north loop at least up to north Edmond and around to Piedmont and south to the area between Yukon and El Reno. That would spur growth in El Reno and then it should go south and east to the Highway 9 area. Also, I-35 southbound from downtown to Norman should've been at least eight lanes wide down to the Canadian River in Norman. I also think they should've built Leadership Square to the original 60- story design instead of twin towers. You can't see the building at night and it would've made a huge impact on the skyline, making our downtown look much larger. I've lived in OKC for 32 years, so I've seen a lot of good and a lot of underachieving in this city. I do like where this city is going now, though.

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