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Thread: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

  1. #51

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    I'm not a moderator but some friendly advice. I am not sure what you are implying here but I think you REALLY need to be careful about what you say about memebers on here before you find yourself on "vacation."
    Excuse me? Did I say something offensive about another member? Biotorich(I don't remember how the guys name is spelled and I'm not going to look for it) made a ridiculous comment about another comment that was already a day or two old about a reference to Kate Uptoms boobs or something and made a comment about keeping sexism off the boards like it was some big deal. Andrewmperry liked the comment, so that's where I got that from if he is an advocate against stuff like that.

    So what in the world are you talking about?

  2. Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    The term pussification is a poor choice of words...
    ...And a vulgar term that shouldn't be used in civil conversation. Not to mention the overt implication that girls are lesser and weaker than men. As a father of daughters, I find the use of this term insulting.

  3. #53

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Excuse me? Did I say something offensive about another member? Biotorich(I don't remember how the guys name is spelled and I'm not going to look for it) made a ridiculous comment about another comment that was already a day or two old about a reference to Kate Uptoms boobs or something and made a comment about keeping sexism off the boards like it was some big deal. Andrewmperry liked the comment, so that's where I got that from if he is an advocate against stuff like that.

    So what in the world are you talking about?
    Keep in mind, even though message boards tend to be male-dominate, we do have a resident population of female posters and visitors. Some may not appreciate references to things unique to females, as comparisons to buildings...or people who ride bikes and/or walk to work.

    It's completely acceptable that we keep that off of here, or at least tone it down a notch. We are better than most forums -- I am afraid to even try to look at most message boards while at work, or in public, for fear of what I may accidentally scroll past while someone is looking over my shoulder. OKCTalk is a rare exception and a high-standard model for what message boards should be.

  4. #54
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    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    I think the term was probably a poor choice (i will add it to my personal aresenal though). "Smugness" might be a better fit.

    Ive been there, done that when it comes to urban living, ect but i got married, priorities shifted (have a child on the way), and i made the move out to the burbs in preparation for that. Funny thing is is that I am probably going out more for entertainment in the core than when i lived in Edgemere.

    It just get tiring when others, esp people i dont know on a message board, criticize me and other for wanting other things than them. You live in the core and walk everywhere and don't have a car. Awesome. Good for you. Why do you care that i like my car and my pool and more house for my $$$? You shouldn't.
    I don't think anyone was running down the suburban lifestyle (at least not in this thread). I think sometimes people confuse a desire for urban living in Oklahoma City as contempt for suburban living, I think in Oklahoma City the thing is that for people whose priorities are is a car, pool, and a big house, there is ample supply. For those that desire living where they can walk to some places, the choices are very limited. So, I don't think people should care that you want to live in the suburbs, but everyone should care about expanding living options in Oklahoma City so that it can continue to increase its competitive position. It's really more about offering choices. OKC doesn't have that many and that can make it less appealing to people who want or need to relocate.

  5. #55

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    And for some people with money who can think of better ways to spend / invest it. Cars are money pits.
    To defend some, most car folk will admit to the "money pit" term. Very few do it for any ROI

  6. #56

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    ...And a vulgar term that shouldn't be used in civil conversation. Not to mention the overt implication that girls are lesser and weaker than men. As a father of daughters, I find your use of this term insulting.
    I hope you are not referring to me, as I was responding to and countering "Filthy" and his use of the term.

  7. #57

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Well, I'm signing off of here. Sexism and racism is alive and well and it's evident that one's who are portraying it to be what it isn't. Just abolsutely amazing what people will accuse others of that disagree with them.

  8. #58

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Jesus H Christ, you guys are so *****ng fragile. None of my posts have a goddamn thing to do with wealth, monetary value, or anyone being weak. I never said anyone is a "p*ssy" for anything. You guys manipulate sh*t in your head, and take off and run with it. You can disagree with me all you want, but its pathetic to see some of you pick and choose minor pieces of the discussion, and try to fabricate it into something it isn't. Its disgusting to see here.

  9. Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I hope you are not referring to me, as I was responding to and countering "Filthy" and his use of the term.
    Nope. I edited it to clarify

  10. #60

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Why not? Is it not politically correct? Does that offend biotorich or whatever his name is and your views on sexism?

    I don't care either way, to be honest with you. We I live in a world I as a human will make crude racist and sexist jokes towards another and in friends with a lot of different colored and gendered people, belive it or not. So I think, the joke was acceptable.
    You can use terms that belittle women on your own time, but I will never agree that it is acceptable and surely a majority of this board feels the same way and doesn't want to see that trash posted here.

  11. #61

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    I think the term was probably a poor choice (i will add it to my personal aresenal though). "Smugness" might be a better fit.

    Ive been there, done that when it comes to urban living, ect but i got married, priorities shifted (have a child on the way), and i made the move out to the burbs in preparation for that. Funny thing is is that I am probably going out more for entertainment in the core than when i lived in Edgemere.

    It just get tiring when others, esp people i dont know on a message board, criticize me and other for wanting other things than them. You live in the core and walk everywhere and don't have a car. Awesome. Good for you. Why do you care that i like my car and my pool and more house for my $$$? You shouldn't.
    I think what happens in most cases is everyone gets so defensive, that when they talk about their "side" they sound like they are talking down to the others. I don't know Sid personally, but his last post sure tries to make it sound like he and his family are "better than everyone" because of how they live. Now do I think he's that arrogant? Doubt it, but when being backed down by some pretty odd statements from another poster, he decided to take an offensive stance (can't blame him).

  12. #62

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    Jesus H Christ, you guys are so *****ng fragile. None of my posts have a goddamn thing to do with wealth, monetary value, or anyone being weak. I never said anyone is a "p*ssy" for anything. You guys manipulate sh*t in your head, and take off and run with it. You can disagree with me all you want, but its pathetic to see some of you pick and choose minor pieces of the discussion, and try to fabricate it into something it isn't. Its disgusting to see.
    You literally said that people who WANT to live without a car are contributing to American becoming weaker. That is what YOU said. No one is twisting anything.

  13. #63

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    Jesus H Christ, you guys are so *****ng fragile. None of my posts have a goddamn thing to do with wealth, monetary value, or anyone being weak. I never said anyone is a "p*ssy" for anything. You guys manipulate sh*t in your head, and take off and run with it. You can disagree with me all you want, but its pathetic to see some of you pick and choose minor pieces of the discussion, and try to fabricate it into something it isn't. Its disgusting to see here.
    Then explain what the hell you meant then. They're your words, and if you can't put them down in manner that anyone but yourself can understand and get pissed when everyone is questioning, I think the fragile person is staring you in the face when you look in the mirror.

    (edit - not talking about the "pussification" comment, don't care either way on that. i'm talking about your post about the "American Dream" only being defined one way)

  14. #64

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    You literally said that people who WANT to live without a car are contributing to American becoming weaker. That is what YOU said.
    Show me where I posted that, word for word...and I will sign off for good.

  15. #65

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid Burgess View Post
    I'm making the case that my family and I are not becoming [insert the offending word]. I responded with a little emotion because it sure felt like an attack when people say that this 'lifestyle' is somehow a threat to the American Dream or some kind of negative change. I was snarky because I found his positions as ironic and worthy of poking.
    That's what I meant, was just using it an example of how when any of us are attacked, or under the presumption they're being attacked, the response will not always be roses and candy.

  16. #66

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    That's what I meant, was just using it an example of how when any of us are attacked, or under the presumption they're being attacked, the response will not always be roses and candy.
    Roses and candy is just a weak pair of words. I suggest you use a more manly set of words, such as ashtray or towtruck.

  17. #67

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    Show me where I posted that, word for word...and I will sign off for good.
    another pet peeve....over/incorrect use of the word "literally"...busted Andrew

  18. #68

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Roses and candy is just a weak pair of words. I suggest you use a more manly set of words, such as ashtray or towtruck.
    my bad, cannonballs and steamrollers

  19. #69

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    Show me where I posted that, word for word...and I will sign off for good.
    Why can't you just back up what you said? Sure, you didn't say that verbatim. It's for sure what you implied.

  20. #70

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    It's for sure what you implied.
    That's your second lie, in as many posts. It's interesting, that you would call somebody out on a message board, because the use of a "word" offends someone, but you don't have a problem lying.

  21. #71
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    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    To defend some, most car folk will admit to the "money pit" term. Very few do it for any ROI
    I didn't mean to attack car people at all. I get it. Some cars are an experience and some people want to own that. I have my obsessions that I spend too much money on too. I just meant that a lot times when people give up their cars, they suddenly realize how much money it was costing them to own a car. In Oklahoma, you could do a lot with the money it takes to fill up an SUV every week.

  22. #72

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    That's your second lie, in as many posts. It's interesting, that you would call somebody out on a message board, because the use of a "word" offends someone, but you don't have a problem lying.
    If I'm wrong, then just clarify what you meant. Easy as that.

  23. #73

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    What happened to the days, when people wanted to live the "American Dream" family of 4, in a nice house, with a white picket fence, 2 Cadillacs in the driveway, with a dog in the front yard going woof woof. Somehow in this new and crazy time we live in......its seems to be somewhat frowned upon. What happened to people wanting to get ahead, and always craving more? A successful society is created by competition amongst one another. I never thought I would see a time in my life where people almost want to brag about living a simpler life, or having less, or doing without. I'm having a hard time grasping that concept. And it is dangerous to our society, by indirectly creating complacency.
    Your words...your quote. Either stand by what you said or clarify to express what you actually meant.

    I'm honestly trying to give you an "out" here.

  24. #74

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Your words...your quote. Either stand by what you said or clarify to express what you actually meant.

    I'm honestly trying to give you an "out" here.
    I am thinking of the best way to articulate, my thoughts in a way that will not, and cannot be taken out of context. So, it might take me a while. I am leaving my office now....and it will take me a while..because I'm going to walk home...in 30 degree weather. So, hopefully, when I get home on about 4 hours...I will have a good response. but, I will do my best to give a response, that will be at a level of intellect that cannot be mistaken for anything other than what it really is.

  25. #75

    Default Re: OKC livable without a car by 2020?

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    I didn't mean to attack car people at all. I get it. Some cars are an experience and some people want to own that. I have my obsessions that I spend too much money on too. I just meant that a lot times when people give up their cars, they suddenly realize how much money it was costing them to own a car. In Oklahoma, you could do a lot with the money it takes to fill up an SUV every week.
    oh i know you weren't, just saying the type of cars i thought we were talking about (collectors, restorations, etc) are 99.9% of the time just hobbies

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