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One other story about cox – we recently moved to a new house. Dish paused our service for 3 months and then came out to our new house, mounted a new dish, setup the new service for FREE. I didn’t have to beg or plead with them.
Cox – Charged us a restart of service fee ($25), setup fee even though I was self-installing my old modem and router ($40), and then a fee for running a cable from the box to our house--- that then sat in our front yard for 3 weeks until it was buried ($90).
Dish put a satellite in OUTER FREAKING SPACE and sent a guy to crawl around and mount a piece of hardware and expensive electronics, and installed two new cable drops for free...but cox charged us over 150 bucks to run a coax cable from a box and for me to plug in my modem?
The company is a joke.