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Thread: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again?

  1. #1

    Default Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again?

    It seems like not too long ago they upped me from 12 mb/s to 25 mb/s, and just today I got an email that they've increased my internet to 50 mb/s and with a speed test I'm actually getting over 60! They say it's with no extra charge but we'll see if they sneak in an early standard price increase or new fees but still, kudos to Cox for trying to better themselves!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    I hate cox. No other technology company expands their prices like they do. I went from paying 19.99 a month for 3 megs to now 46.99 a month for 5 megs after they cancelled the 3 meg package.

    Unlike att and other companies they refuse to grandfather long term customers and the biggest perk you get is signing a 2 year contract where they won't raise your price yet again. Until it expires then they raise your prices and will try to get you to lock again.

    O...and the best part of paying them over double what I paid a few years ago for unlimited data they are now sending me warnings about how I've exceeded some arbitrary cap that they set and are trying to get even more money from me to upgrade data.

    Yet magically I can buy a computer or modem for a fraction of a the price and I can be grand fathered in with rates from att and dish. But cox demands more money for less service.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Ooh that does sound terrible, that's very odd though, I started paying $20/month a few years ago and that was the 1 year promo offer, when that was over it went to $40/month which I knew it would so no surprise, and in the last 2 1/2 years it's only gone up on me about $6 month.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    So you are happy about paying them 72 dollars more than you were last year?

    I cancelled them years ago for TV and went to dish. Within the last year they had their annual rate increase and then just recently increased again and said that I could no longer have the 3 megs. So two price increases within a year.

    They are a despicable company who are forcing their dying business model on all of us.

    During the 5 years I've been with dish for tv NO price increases or contracts and same level of service.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    I figure a $6 increase for me in over 2 years is very understandable compared to the current rate of increases on other platforms and the fact they're actually increasing the service with very little price increase (in my eyes). But internet is probably far more important to me than most people, I run a few websites and basically all my entertainment is consumed through the internet so I value a good connection.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    If your alright with paying almost 100 dollars (with taxes), putting data limits on your service (limiting your service), but giving you more speed that you can't use...

    Well a sucker is born every minute.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    July 2013 I went internet only with Cox and was paying 39.99/mo. I think a month later that went up to 49.99, not sure why. By early 2014 it was up to 60.99. I'm sure it's related to their infrastructure upgrades, but it's baffling to me that prices for anything that is not a commodity can go up 53% in a 1 year period.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    We decided to toss cox out the front door in 09 and haven't felt the least bit deprived over the last five years. And either I have been using a usa based tech number the few times i have needed support, or tech support includes some dang impressive diction lessons these days. No issues with UVerse on my corner of the prairie for a while now.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    July 2013 I went internet only with Cox and was paying 39.99/mo. I think a month later that went up to 49.99, not sure why. By early 2014 it was up to 60.99. I'm sure it's related to their infrastructure upgrades, but it's baffling to me that prices for anything that is not a commodity can go up 53% in a 1 year period.
    People are ditching their service (especially on the TV side) so they are passing on the cost to Internet users.

    Like most people I use my phone for most Internet browsing and only fire up my old laptop to pay bills that arent on auto debit once a month.

    If it wasn't for Netflix(i have dish for sports) I would ditch cox in a heartbeat. Even with 5 megs we are able to stream Netflix to two TVs in hd and use a laptop for light browsing. How much more speed do I need.

    I just hate that they push these upgrades in speed that are always followed by another price increase within the year. I'm just irrate that they are now trying to put a data limit to extort even more money.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    I am also on Cox's lowest internet only. When I signed up it was 34.99/month for 3 months, then goes to 46.99/month.

    I just looked at the site, and now they offer the same thing, but for the discounted 34.99/month for 12 months

    What a crock. Can't wait for all cable companies to die.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    One other story about cox – we recently moved to a new house. Dish paused our service for 3 months and then came out to our new house, mounted a new dish, setup the new service for FREE. I didn’t have to beg or plead with them.

    Cox – Charged us a restart of service fee ($25), setup fee even though I was self-installing my old modem and router ($40), and then a fee for running a cable from the box to our house--- that then sat in our front yard for 3 weeks until it was buried ($90).

    Dish put a satellite in OUTER FREAKING SPACE and sent a guy to crawl around and mount a piece of hardware and expensive electronics, and installed two new cable drops for free...but cox charged us over 150 bucks to run a coax cable from a box and for me to plug in my modem?

    The company is a joke.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    It might be unbearably long before it happens, but I'm waiting for Google or Amazon to come out with their own internet access service. Google's is out, but who knows how long until it gets here. Hopefully these services will either drive competing prices down, or at least give us options with fair prices.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Yup, I fought with them on the phone for 45 minutes about the "self-installation" fee. Then my time wasn't worth it anymore. So I gave up.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    I have been with them 13 years and hate them.. I do have a good deal with them currently however as I pulled the plug on TV so they deeply discounted my internet to save me.. I now have basic cable with them with HBO and Cinemax and Starz for 19.99 a month no contract and I pay 50.00 for the highest data package.. So I am ok with this

  15. #15

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    One other story about cox – we recently moved to a new house. Dish paused our service for 3 months and then came out to our new house, mounted a new dish, setup the new service for FREE. I didn’t have to beg or plead with them.

    Cox – Charged us a restart of service fee ($25), setup fee even though I was self-installing my old modem and router ($40), and then a fee for running a cable from the box to our house--- that then sat in our front yard for 3 weeks until it was buried ($90).

    Dish put a satellite in OUTER FREAKING SPACE and sent a guy to crawl around and mount a piece of hardware and expensive electronics, and installed two new cable drops for free...but cox charged us over 150 bucks to run a coax cable from a box and for me to plug in my modem?

    The company is a joke.
    Yes, Dish sent someone in outer freaking space ALL FOR YOU. AND THEY DID IT FOR FREE.

    I'll tell you a truly horrible company. Crystal Light recently reduced their box size for one of their products, while keeping the actual product inside the same. I'm not getting as much cardboard as I used to and I'M PISSED.

  16. Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    My wife and I only do internet. Never have any issues and the speed is great.

    The price is a bit high I guess but with no competition for the speed we need what else can we do? Wait for Google Fiber....

  17. #17

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    It's pretty simple.

    Get a quote from ATT Uverse. Call cox, tell them you want to speak to the retention department. Explain the quote you got from AT&T and that you are going to switch but wanted to give them the chance to match it. Guaranteed they come within $5 a month of matching it. They'll lock that rate for you for 2 years.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    Yes, Dish sent someone in outer freaking space ALL FOR YOU. AND THEY DID IT FOR FREE.

    I'll tell you a truly horrible company. Crystal Light recently reduced their box size for one of their products, while keeping the actual product inside the same. I'm not getting as much cardboard as I used to and I'M PISSED.
    You might not be able to read.

  19. Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    I'm not a big fan of cox but I really don't see any difference in my other options.

    I find if you argue with them you can get a much better deal. That shouldn't be necessary, but it is what it is.

    I have the 50mbps Internet, their modem/router combo, landline phone, HD cable with DVR and Showtime and HBO for $135/month.

    I can't beat that with any of their competitors, so I stay with them.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Still over 1600 dollars a year for internet/ tv.

    I'm not saying that's bad. But when you think about it you can get a modem and router for cheap now days ( each $20-40 one time purchase). Land line I wouldn't even consider because we have thousands of cell minutes that go unused or download an app for free.

    I understand why cox likes to push their bundles to seem like more of a value. But really the cost is pretty ridiculous if you just took out the duplicated services they bundle.

    I love when they say we can get you faster Internet at lower prices...If you pay them for all these other dead services you dont want or need.

  21. Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Cox is being proactive in their Internet service to ward off Google Gigabit Internet. Here are Google Fiber's pricing plans for Kansas City: https://fiber.google.com/cities/kansascity/plans/

    I watch (& download) a lot of video from YouTube, etc & I like speed! I like Cox for not forcing Netflix into special agreements which effectively overcharge Netflix users for Netflix access (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, & most notably Comcast).

    FYI: I am not & never have been a Cox employee.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Wow. The Google fiber Internet / TV is actually pretty awesome.

    5 megs for free or 1000 megs for what cox is charging for 50 megs

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again


  24. Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    Still over 1600 dollars a year for internet/ tv.

    I'm not saying that's bad. But when you think about it you can get a modem and router for cheap now days ( each $20-40 one time purchase). Land line I wouldn't even consider because we have thousands of cell minutes that go unused or download an app for free.

    I understand why cox likes to push their bundles to seem like more of a value. But really the cost is pretty ridiculous if you just took out the duplicated services they bundle.

    I love when they say we can get you faster Internet at lower prices...If you pay them for all these other dead services you dont want or need.
    Ultimately something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Based on the competition, I'm getting a good rate.

    I'm only paying $7 month for my modem and router and it's good quality. I can exchange it for whatever their latest model is whenever I want. Not to mention in the past I tended to replace retail ones about every year anyway. The $7 also means they cover all the tech support and can't blame it on my retail modem or router.

    As for a land line, I very much use it. I need it for my alarm system and we often don't get great cell phone reception in our neighborhood from either Sprint nor ATT. Not to mention I need it for my fax machine and as a backup or to dial my cell phone so I can find it!

    I don't have a single service with Cox I don't want or use.

    Not to mention, most of my yearly Cox bill is a tax deduction anyway.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Anyone else receive an email from Cox that they're doubling internet speeds again

    Well if it's a tax write off then good. But 90 dollars a year for a modem router. Sheesh.

    I've had my modem for over 5 years but routers only about two.

    Luckily I haven't had any recent run ins with their pay for call tech service after the last time I ranted to them about how I have stable att 4G/lte service that I'm not having to constantly unplug and have reset to use the service I'm paying for.

    So I have to pay you for hookup, pay you for the modem, pay you each month for service , then I have to pay again if it the thing I'm paying for stops working or I need to pre pay you to fix the service I'm paying you for when it stops working. You raised the price of my service so I need to pay you for that, you raised the speed of my service and refuse to let me go back to the previous service so I have to pay you for that, you tell me that I've exceeded some new data level that you set and I need to pay you more In addition to the previous 2 pay increases you made me pay this year...

    the sad thing is thay this isnt hyperbole because its all 100 percent true.

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