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Notice I haven't weighed back in on my own thread. I really wanted to see the reaction and if I was the only one that was bothered by the praise for Brian Orr. A lot of legal angles back and forth that's been interesting and well-stated by several. But I'm still most interested in the action itself. I knew I wanted to come back and ask this final question...
Consider for just a moment a different outcome. Consider that the guy didn't get up last week after the blindsided body blow from Brian Orr. Midtowner said it well when he said that, "it was only by sheer luck," that the guy didn't get injured. I agree with that and will take it one step further. Had the man not gotten up, and ended up instead of in handcuffs, but surrounded by medical personnel and the ambulance on the field, etc. Suppose he died instantly from a neck snap, severed spinal cord, etc. The man's punishment for just being ridiculous at a football game would have been the death penalty. How would you think about this then? When you go back and watch the tape over and over, would you still have said Orr did the right thing by charging at him and the over-the-top blow? Or, would you be saying, "Yeah, I can't believe with no pads or helmets the trooper would have blindsided that guy and killed him. He could have easily run up to him, pulled him into the cuff position and cuffed him and walk off the field." I contend that had the (very possible) fatal injury actually occurred, there would have been a widespread worldwide outrage and demands for murder charges against the over-zealous LEO.
Bottom line for me: Trooper Brian Orr lucked out. I think the actual action is enough for discipline, but I understand those who might not think so. But had the guy died of a broken neck or whatever last week - I honestly believe Brian Orr would be in jail on manslaughter or murder charges. The outrage would be loud from across the country. People would see that tape in a completely different way. Few would have said that the guy on the field really deserved that kind of hit from this overloaded-on-testerorone Highway Patrol Trooper. I hope Orr realizes just how lucky he really is.