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Thread: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

  1. #1

    Default Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    I have thrown up my hands in frustration wondering what one person can do when the masses seem to think what happened at Owen Field with the guy dancing on the field and getting a blind-side, from the back tackle by an OHP trooper is somehow appropriate.

    The guy (maybe had one too many?) runs on to the field, he's jumping and dancing during the TV break when Trooper Brian Orr decides the only way to deal with this serious situation is to assault this man with his full bodily force. People cheer. The OHP? They've praised the action. All sorts of accolades are coming his way. I'm just blown away that people now think the answer to minor illegal activity is - violence. Violence, by the way, that could have maimed the man for life.

    I've watched this video so many times and have read what so many have said in the various reports at NewsOK and the TV sites, the comments at YouTube, etc. and I have decided that the initial reaction to this is wrong, wrong, wrong. Instead of praise, Trooper Brian Orr should be arrested and charged with assault, police brutality, and unnecessary force in the apprehension of a suspect.

    I am disgusted that people really think this is appropriate.

    I know he was violating the rules of Owen Field.
    He should not have done what he did.
    He was charged with a simple misdemeanor - he wasn't fleeing an armed robbery.

    Why could Trooper Orr not have simply run to the guy, grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Come on pardner, I think you've had one too many. You're coming with me." (???) He could have then walked him off the field, handcuffed him, and had him taken to the appropriate facility. I would have supported that as a proportional response. If the guy resisted then Trooper Orr could have thrown around his bulk.

    But the violence displayed by Brian Orr was absolutely wrong and indefensible. Instead of the praise and accolades, he should see charges much harsher than those filed against the prankster, dancer, whatever.

    I know I will be castigated for daring to offer a different point of view. But I honestly think the potentially very dangerous "tackle" should be called what it truly was - totally unnecessary violence and the response was way out of proportion to what the guy did.

    Flame away. But, please, before you write a knee-jerk response. Think about it. Watch the video. Think about the response from Trooper Orr to this "horrible" crime.


    See the Channel 4 video that shows the hit from a different angle than the YouTube video. You see just how much force was used in the slam against this "criminal."
    The anchors laughing and joking is, in my opinion, just horrible.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    I agree.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I have thrown up my hands in frustration wondering what one person can do when the masses seem to think what happened at Owen Field with the guy dancing on the field and getting a blind-side, from the back tackle by an OHP trooper is somehow appropriate.

    The guy (maybe had one too many?) runs on to the field, he's jumping and dancing during the TV break when Trooper Brian Orr decides the only way to deal with this serious situation is to assault this man with his full bodily force. People cheer. The OHP? They've praised the action. All sorts of accolades are coming his way. I'm just blown away that people now think the answer to minor illegal activity is - violence. Violence, by the way, that could have maimed the man for life.

    I've watched this video so many times and have read what so many have said in the various reports at NewsOK and the TV sites, the comments at YouTube, etc. and I have decided that the initial reaction to this is wrong, wrong, wrong. Instead of praise, Trooper Brian Orr should be arrested and charged with assault, police brutality, and unnecessary force in the apprehension of a suspect.

    I am disgusted that people really think this is appropriate.

    I know he was violating the rules of Owen Field.
    He should not have done what he did.
    He was charged with a simple misdemeanor - he wasn't fleeing an armed robbery.

    Why could Trooper Orr not have simply run to the guy, grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Come on pardner, I think you've had one too many. You're coming with me." (???) He could have then walked him off the field, handcuffed him, and had him taken to the appropriate facility. I would have supported that as a proportional response. If the guy resisted then Trooper Orr could have thrown around his bulk.

    But the violence displayed by Brian Orr was absolutely wrong and indefensible. Instead of the praise and accolades, he should see charges much harsher than those filed against the prankster, dancer, whatever.

    I know I will be castigated for daring to offer a different point of view. But I honestly think the potentially very dangerous "tackle" should be called what it truly was - totally unnecessary violence and the response was way out of proportion to what the guy did.

    Flame away. But, please, before you write a knee-jerk response. Think about it. Watch the video. Think about the response from Trooper Orr to this "horrible" crime.


    See the Channel 4 video that shows the hit from a different angle than the YouTube video. You see just how much force was used in the slam against this "criminal."
    Trooper makes tackle of the game when taking down unruly OU fan | KFOR.com
    The anchors laughing and joking is, in my opinion, just horrible.

    please continue
    to throw up your hands
    in frustration.
    it makes all
    the difference.

    yet, be careful
    to not do so
    in the company
    of three or more

    (on account of)

    so doing could
    be confused
    with a "Wave".
    or at the very least,
    a misinterpreted "Like"

    by "the masses"
    whose opinions
    the "liberal"

  4. #4

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested


  5. #5

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I'm not sure if that's "castigation" or "bullsh!t" . . . =)

    I suppose this is one reason I've never been fond of "spectator sports" nor "video games".

  6. #6

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    This guy isn't the first or last to be tackled during a sporting event. I'm sure there's some kind of law to not disrupt the play on the field.

    When a person does stupid things, they usually pay some kind of consequence.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    I 100 % percent agree with the op. Very well stated.

  8. Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Won't flame you...you make a pretty valid argument. Restraint and professionalism should be expected from LEOs. If anything, the trooper also apparently got caught up in the moment and thought he was in pads and a helmet.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    All police officers should be regularly tested for steroids. It would significantly reduce this crap.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    This guy isn't the first or last to be tackled during a sporting event. I'm sure there's some kind of law to not disrupt the play on the field.

    When a person does stupid things, they usually pay some kind of consequence.
    So if you litter, do you deserve to get tackled from behind and possibly seriously injured?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    I'm sure politely asking him would have worked.

    Running onto a field in the middle of a football game? Guy seems reasonable enough.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Would have been awesome if they would have tased him.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    All police officers should be regularly tested for steroids. It would significantly reduce this crap.
    Not to mention Donuts which might compromise their playing weight.

    So, OP (zookeeper) . . . Any thoughts on The Public Debacle of The Caged Lions down in Dallas?
    (google it)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Orr shouldn't have tackled him full speed, I agree. But I don't think he should be arrested. That's as overboard as his tackle.

    OHP should just tell him to slow his roll next time.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    So if you litter, do you deserve to get tackled from behind and possibly seriously injured?
    Choose not to litter and you will never be confronted nor blindsided by that potentiality.

    Isn't all of this nothing more than a smokescreen to distract us from the more pressing issue of "Bullying in Pro Football"?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    And if it turned out the guy had a gun, or a bomb, what conversation would we be having? The OHP trooper looks to be acting in security mode. I think the reaction was less about law enforcement than about security.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Do we even know where this guy came from? For all we know he may have broke loose from another officer. In the end the trooper's tackle was the worst part of his day. The police ticketed him, released him and kicked him out. He didn't go to jail and the fine will like be minimal at best. This guy got exactly what he wanted (a moment in the limelight that will last him a lifetime.) He knew what would happen (security or police would take him down). He likely did it on a dare or "Hey Watch This I'm Drunk moment? "This happens more often than one might think. If you don't believe me, take a look around youtube. You will see all kinds of videos like this one:

    On a more serious note we do live in a world where this guy could pulled out a gun or a set off bomb and caused some real problems. Instead of talking about the supposed misconduct of a trooper we could be talking about a tragedy. You don't run into an open event like that. Anybody with common sense knows that you keep your seat and stay out of the area of play, the state of performing area just because you can be mistaken for something dangerous.

  18. Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    I agree with ZooKeeper inasmuch as it was an excessive reaction by the trooper and he's very fortunate that commentators (and thus the sheep public) found it humorous and that the exuberant fan was not hurt by the take down.

    The only thing more disturbing is a public that excuses all things in the name of 'safety' or 'O' my God, what if he had an Ak-47 or a bomb!'

    The trooper will always be able to justify his actions because all ended well and he can appeal to our scared of our own shadow sense of needing someone like this over-steroided officer to protect us from ourselves.

    That said, what should happen to the officer? A little finger wagging and a reminder of proper procedure would probably suffice.

    From a PR perspective I'm sure OHP prefers this 'tackle at all costs' approach over looking silly chasing the guy around the field had he not cooperated with a simple, "Hey dumb ass, come here."

  19. #19

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    It's totally and utterly ridiculous to think the trooper acted outside reasonable police policy's that have been vetted by the legal system for many decades. They actually acted with restraint and did nothing wrong. By his own admission the guy arrested was not hurt at all but faces a potential $500 fine

    But ridiculously extreme and uninformed opinions that are well off the main stream beat of normal society to often seem to pass for normal around here. This thread has several fine examples.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    So if you litter, do you deserve to get tackled from behind and possibly seriously injured?
    If you're walking down some side street in Mustang Oklahoma and stick your gum to a utility pole, no it shouldn't get you slapped in jail. Now if you're in the Vatican Museum and stick that Gum on some of Rafael ao Michangelos work, then yes your busted.

    Maybe he should sue the OHP ? Maybe Fox should sue the knucklehead for disrupting their broadcast ?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    The OP is a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. In his outrage at the "excessive force" used by the OHP trooper, his solution for tackling the alleged overexuberance of this LEO is even more ridiculously excessive and unreasonable.

    I am someone who believes that many LEOs and law enforcement organizations have become overaggressive and grossly overreaching in their exercise of authority at the expense of constitutional freedoms and protections. However, in this case, the trooper's reaction to the idiot's action was, in my mind, within reason and arguably justified.

  22. Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    It's totally and utterly ridiculous to think the trooper acted outside reasonable police policy's that have been vetted by the legal system for many decades. They actually acted with restraint and did nothing wrong. By his own admission the guy arrested was not hurt at all but faces a potential $500 fine

    But ridiculously extreme and uninformed opinions that are well off the main stream beat of normal society to often seem to pass for normal around here. This thread has several fine examples.
    Yet, you've cited no actual policy.

    "Acted with restraint" - As-in they didn't shoot him? Exactly what restraint was used? The citizen wasn't hurt out of shear luck and nothing more.

    Please, do 'inform us' beyond ranting yourself.

    Do I think the officer's actions should get him in any 'real' trouble? No. Do I think he handled the situation correctly? No.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    It was about 6 years ago or so when the student from Colorado Springs tried to enter the stadium with a bomb in his backpack. We all know what happened later that evening during the game. I don't think they (security) have this type of no nonsense behavior without reason.

    Was he tackled a little hard ?, yep. Would he have been if he'd stayed in the stands ? Nope.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Yet, you've cited no actual policy.

    "Acted with restraint" - As-in they didn't shoot him? Exactly what restraint was used? The citizen wasn't hurt out of shear luck and nothing more.

    Please, do 'inform us' beyond ranting yourself.

    Do I think the officer's actions should get him in any 'real' trouble? No. Do I think he handled the situation correctly? No.
    Here is a better idea......Do your own research and then find out just how wrong you really are!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested

    What's the law enforcement equivalent of the Butkus Award?
    Maybe Brian Bosworth could come out of retirement to present it to Trooper Orr.

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