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Thread: Kongos closed opens under new name

  1. Default Kongos closed opens under new name

    Kongos norman on 12th and robinson is closed down, and has changed names. A article in the transcript said the owner which still owns the building and calling it Sin City now has lost his liqur license, for under age drinking, selling to under age, prosotution, the list went on, from what I got told from a friend. I heard that kongos went downhill and was not a good place to go to anymore. ANy one have more info on this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    It was never a good club and the location was awful. If they wanted to open a popular dance club in Norman why did they choose 12th and Robinson, and not Campus Corner or downtown?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    Isn't Kongos a fitness center? Or is this a different deal altogether?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman View Post
    Isn't Kongos a fitness center? Or is this a different deal altogether?
    Kongos was supposed to be all things to all people. Fitness, bar, restaurant, dance club, adoption center, church, laundry mat, grocery store, K-12 public school, etc. Okay, so the ones after dance club are made up, but you see what I mean. It was a stupid idea, with a dumb name and was poorly executed.

  5. Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    I noticed the changed a few weeks ago when I was driving down 12th. Not really shocked nor do I really care. Initially the crowds were okay but it turned very...non-Normanlike.

  6. Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Kongos was supposed to be all things to all people. Fitness, bar, restaurant, dance club, adoption center, church, laundry mat, grocery store, K-12 public school, etc. Okay, so the ones after dance club are made up, but you see what I mean. It was a stupid idea, with a dumb name and was poorly executed.
    After I adopted my kids there, thats where they went to school at. after they got in class, I did my laundry,worked out,went to church and danced, and finally had a drink. it was a cool place...;P

  7. #7

    Default Re: Kongos closed opens under new name

    has anyone been to this "Sin City"? specs pls

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