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Thread: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

  1. Default Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Lane Kiffin to Texas!


  3. #3

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    I stayed up and watched the end of that USC / ASU game last night, because I was loving every minute of it. USC was completely embarrassed.

    SC fans are extremely obnoxious so I've enjoyed this recent slide.

    Probably the right thing to do and Kiffen is hard to like, yet they were hit with probation in the wake of Pete Carroll just a few weeks after he arrived, and they are severely limited in scholarships.

    I just hope Texas doesn't finally wise up and show Mack Brown the door.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Goody seems appropriate

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    I'm betting Tennessee is having a good laugh over this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    The one team that I despise is USC, they surpass even the 80's Miami teams in my mind because they have been around longer. I don't have anywhere near the same amount of disdain for UT or ND.

  7. Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Ideally we would have wanted Kiffin to at least be competitive so that he could stick around longer, same way that I feel about Mack.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Speaking of, I am still trying to figure out how Kiffin gives up 60+ points and gets fired hardly after his plane lands, and Mack Brown gets pasted for 60+ several times just by OU and gets a contract extension.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Well, Mack has at least had some past successes. Kiffin hasn't.

  10. Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Life-long USC fan here (a non-obnoxious one though) and my comment about this move is "Good riddance."

  11. #11

    Default Re: Lane Kiffin fired after game with Arizona State

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Speaking of, I am still trying to figure out how Kiffin gives up 60+ points and gets fired hardly after his plane lands, and Mack Brown gets pasted for 60+ several times just by OU and gets a contract extension.
    Kiffin=No championships=fired
    Brown=1 championship=contract extension

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