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Thread: Coach suspended entire team

  1. #1

  2. #2

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Way to go coach! I wish we had more coaches like you in Oklahoma. Those boys won't miss that game years from now, but they certainly will remember how they were shown that "they can be true men of characterer" from you.

    Tuttle High School football head coach Koons, is a long way from your type of character. His bullying & name calling (a terrible 4 letter word) is "how he lead". True leaders show true character, even when no one is watching.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    Tuttle High School football head coach Koons, is a long way from your type of character. His bullying & name calling (a terrible 4 letter word) is "how he lead". True leaders show true character, even when no one is watching.
    Isn't a former OU QB from the Tuttle program and still involved? Jason White?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    This didn't happen in Oklahoma. It's a school out in Utah.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Isn't a former OU QB from the Tuttle program and still involved? Jason White?
    NO, he has not been (involved) since his senior year....graduation made him leave.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    This didn't happen in Oklahoma. It's a school out in Utah.

    ...I don't care where the coach is from, he is a man of character that I would want back, year after year.

  7. Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    This didn't happen in Oklahoma. It's a school out in Utah.
    I first thought it was Tulsa Union but silly me...like that coach has the character to do anything like that. It would hurt championship chances and recruiting.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    ...I don't care where the coach is from, he is a man of character that I would want back, year after year.
    and I'm about tired of your attitude on here. I wasn't disagreeing that the coach isn't a man of character. As a matter of fact, I posted this story to my Facebook account yesterday (well in advance of this thread) saying "attaboy coach!" So don't get all snippy.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    I applaud the coach.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    and I'm about tired of your attitude on here. I wasn't disagreeing that the coach isn't a man of character. As a matter of fact, I posted this story to my Facebook account yesterday (well in advance of this thread) saying "attaboy coach!" So don't get all snippy.
    I'm sorry, ...now who are you? And why do I care?

    We need men of character as was my whole point.

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    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    This mass punishment for the actions of a few is all too familiar.

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    "So the coach and his staff gathered the team together after Friday night's loss to Judge Memorial Catholic High School and told them he was concerned about some of the players' actions and behavior off the field. He then instructed them all to turn in their jerseys and their equipment. There would be no football until they earned the privilege to play."

    Taking a stand: Union High coach suspends entire football team in lesson about character | Deseret News

    Good job coach????? It sounds like he punished the whole team because he was too much of a coward to deal with the few individual (who were probably key players) players who were causing problems. If this had been players who played insignificant roles on the team would he have punished the whole team?

    Doesn't sound like a good coach to me. NOW BRING IT ON...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    "So the coach and his staff gathered the team together after Friday night's loss to Judge Memorial Catholic High School and told them he was concerned about some of the players' actions and behavior off the field. He then instructed them all to turn in their jerseys and their equipment. There would be no football until they earned the privilege to play."

    Taking a stand: Union High coach suspends entire football team in lesson about character | Deseret News

    Good job coach????? It sounds like he punished the whole team because he was too much of a coward to deal with the few individual (who were probably key players) players who were causing problems. If this had been players who played insignificant roles on the team would he have punished the whole team?

    Doesn't sound like a good coach to me. NOW BRING IT ON...
    I don't know the dynamics of his team before the loss or where this coach's strengths were or even what he was specifically trying to do, but punishing the whole team for the actions of a few (if that's what he did) could be a fantastic team-building move.

  14. Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    "So the coach and his staff gathered the team together after Friday night's loss to Judge Memorial Catholic High School and told them he was concerned about some of the players' actions and behavior off the field. He then instructed them all to turn in their jerseys and their equipment. There would be no football until they earned the privilege to play."

    Taking a stand: Union High coach suspends entire football team in lesson about character | Deseret News

    Good job coach????? It sounds like he punished the whole team because he was too much of a coward to deal with the few individual (who were probably key players) players who were causing problems. If this had been players who played insignificant roles on the team would he have punished the whole team?

    Doesn't sound like a good coach to me. NOW BRING IT ON...
    Have you never heard of peer pressure? It is something that can definitely work. It is also something that the kids will need to learn because they'll run into many cases of projects in college and even in the business world where it is sink or swim - together.

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    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    I don't know the dynamics of his team before the loss or where this coach's strengths were or even what he was specifically trying to do, but punishing the whole team for the actions of a few (if that's what he did) could be a fantastic team-building move.

    ...could be a fantastic team-building move.

    If you think that could be fantastic team-building move; you're setting up a presedence in which the community will call you out every time there is a concern with individuals on the football team. Deal with the individuals who you need to hold accountable and responsible for their own actions.

    If you want to alienate a team and create animosity among players then make a few/some individuals an exception to the rule by punishing the whole team when a few key individuals have problems and bring your wrath upon the non key players by singling them out when they break the rules.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    How could the coaches hold the individuals accountable from an anonymous website? The team members must be accountable to every member of the the team or the team doesn't function as a unit. If you want the unity of the team then you must treat everyone the same, and this includes punishment. If you read the story the parents are behind the coaches, and so are the players.
    I do agree that if the individuals could be singled out then do so, but I understood the situation that there were more than a few individuals that were not taking care of business off the field and were not holding up in the classroom. They need to understand that their actions affect more than themselves in a team setting.

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    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Have you never heard of peer pressure? It is something that can definitely work. It is also something that the kids will need to learn because they'll run into many cases of projects in college and even in the business world where it is sink or swim - together.
    Sure peer pressure works; however you have to be a leader and be consistent with the way you discipline students. This 'Pontius Pilate' leadership where you 'wash your hands' of decision-making is ineffective. Make a 'decison' (right or wrong) and stick with it--if it's your decision--then you are accountable and live with the results.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by ewoodard70 View Post
    How could the coaches hold the individuals accountable from an anonymous website? The team members must be accountable to every member of the the team or the team doesn't function as a unit. If you want the unity of the team then you must treat everyone the same, and this includes punishment. If you read the story the parents are behind the coaches, and so are the players.
    I do agree that if the individuals could be singled out then do so, but I understood the situation that there were more than a few individuals that were not taking care of business off the field and were not holding up in the classroom. They need to understand that their actions affect more than themselves in a team setting.
    What's the credibility of an anonymous website?

    Yeah! They (parents) are behind the coach now; just the position they want to be in--to KICK HIS BEHIND later. Coaches are leaders, do we punish a whole city because of the actions of a few? Deal with the individuals responsible. As far as websites dictating that you do something as a coach--turn it over to the police and the courts to sort those things out!

  19. Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    What's the credibility of an anonymous website?

    Yeah! They (parents) are behind the coach now; just the position they want to be in--to KICK HIS BEHIND later. Coaches are leaders, do we punish a whole city because of the actions of a few? Deal with the individuals responsible. As far as websites dictating that you do something as a coach--turn it over to the police and the courts to sort those things out!

    Deal with the individuals responsible - how do you do that exactly when you certain of who they are since they are doing it through an anonymous website?

    Then you say turn it over to the police...so in other worse, wash hands of responsibility and let someone else deal with it. While waiting on them to do something, continue to allow the unknown perpetrators to continue acting in a negative way with no consequences?

    I'm just trying to see where the logic in anything you are saying is coming from.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Coach suspended entire team

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post

    Deal with the individuals responsible - how do you do that exactly when you certain of who they are since they are doing it through an anonymous website?
    Then you say turn it over to the police...so in other worse, wash hands of responsibility and let someone else deal with it. While waiting on them to do something, continue to allow the unknown perpetrators to continue acting in a negative way with no consequences?

    I'm just trying to see where the logic in anything you are saying is coming from.
    Is it all about logic? Would you want to be punished as a group because what occurred on a 'website?' What is the website's responsibility?

    Do you punish the whole police force because of the inappropriate actions of one or a few? There are bad apples in every occupation, profession & walks witin life. Are we making schools accountable for what occurs on a social network? Again, what is the website's responsibility?

    All I'm saying is that someone needs to come forward with whatever 'concerns' they have about the football team. Sure this got him (coach) 'more than just two lines in the Oklahoma City Times...' Please forgive that Walter Mitty moment...

    We don't know enough about the alledged allegations made about the team members involved. You can't deal with 'heresay;' especially if you don't know what's involved.

    Do we have all the facts or know the scope of what occurred(?):

    Can you tell me?

    This could be the type of poop (feces) people leave on the rug in your office for you to clean up. Let the police investigate it; if it's worth an investigation--this could be a situation where your players weren't involved. Sounds like there could be some hidden 'drama' within this recipe.

    Excuse the expression but this sounds like a 'fishing expedition' or set up. Just the type of thing that you may not have within your jurisdiction to deal with effectively; not saying that it should be ignored either.

    All we can do from here on is stay tuned for the sequel to this event.


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