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Thread: Friends for a Better OKC

  1. #1

    Default Friends for a Better OKC

    Seems like there are "Friends for a Better _____" poping up everywhere. Now there's even a Friends for a Better Aquarium. We all want better things in our city, but let's not spread ourselves too thin. There are great ideas out there, and I think it's great that we have a public forum on which we can express these ideas (thanks, Pete!), but some ideas really need to be thrust into the public spotlight, ala Friends for a Better Boulevard.

    I've been thinking about this for a long time... Not specifically "Friends for a Better Aquarium," but at what point will we have a grassroots organization called "Friends for a Better OKC?" For real. It could be an honest to God real life organization with sub-groups for idividual projects such as Friends for a Better Boulevard, Friends for a Better Convention Center, (and now) Friends for a Better Aquarium. We've seen the attention that these kinds of groups can generate.

    Now, with that said, IF my dream of an FBOKC were to be a reality (which I doubt), a group like this would have to be very careful to not cheapen its message. I envision a group with a board of (for lack of better terms) directors, comprised of passionate individuals willing to dedicate their time and effort. Anyone could submit their ideas to this board for review and the board would then make a determination as to what should be done with it. Perhaps a 4 level sponsorship system where the importance of the project could be analized and put into specific categories. Like a Partnership category where the FBOKC works actively with the sub group to get the message out there, an Acitve Sponsor category where the FBOKC takes on the overall operation of the sub group, a Sponsor categorgy where the FBOKC basically says "Yes, we believe you have a wonerful idea and you have our blessing to continue lobbying for your better _____," and of coarse a Non-sponsor category: "Great that you believe in _______, keep up the good work, your on your own."

    Like I said, I've thought alot about this, and while I don't think anything like this would ever happen, I do think it would be pretty cool... I haven't bloged in a while, maybe I will blog about this idea tonight, if my wife lets me... (sweety, I know you are a lurker, so you are seeing this... please let me blog tonight... p.s. I love you... p.s.s. don't kill me)

    I'm sure there's a better way I can articulate this, but can't reall spend too much time on it while I'm at work.

  2. Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    It makes sense to work on collaboration on these issues as long as it's a progressive front. Friends for a Better Boulevard, which this is all copying, is a progressive organization... it is about walkability, urbanism, sustainability, and livability. If you use this model and don't embrace those issues then it's a sham.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    It makes sense to work on collaboration on these issues as long as it's a progressive front. Friends for a Better Boulevard, which this is all copying, is a progressive organization... it is about walkability, urbanism, sustainability, and livability. If you use this model and don't embrace those issues then it's a sham.
    Agreed! That's where I got the ideas for a board of directors (or perhaps a better term would be a board of review) and a sponsorship system. It's so easy to say "I want to organize a group for a better _______," but what is the reason, the motivation, the ultimate goal? How and why is ________ importatnt and what kind of impact can it have? We can make "Friends for a Better _______" all day long, but by funneling these "causes" through a review and sponsorship system we can make sure that the proper projects are given the proper attention and that we aren't cheapening our message. It's almost like "Shark Tank" for urban development.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post
    Seems like there are "Friends for a Better _____" poping up everywhere. Now there's even a Friends for a Better Aquarium. We all want better things in our city, but let's not spread ourselves too thin. There are great ideas out there, and I think it's great that we have a public forum on which we can express these ideas (thanks, Pete!), but some ideas really need to be thrust into the public spotlight, ala Friends for a Better Boulevard.

    I've been thinking about this for a long time... Not specifically "Friends for a Better Aquarium," but at what point will we have a grassroots organization called "Friends for a Better OKC?" For real. It could be an honest to God real life organization with sub-groups for idividual projects such as Friends for a Better Boulevard, Friends for a Better Convention Center, (and now) Friends for a Better Aquarium. We've seen the attention that these kinds of groups can generate.

    Now, with that said, IF my dream of an FBOKC were to be a reality (which I doubt), a group like this would have to be very careful to not cheapen its message. I envision a group with a board of (for lack of better terms) directors, comprised of passionate individuals willing to dedicate their time and effort. Anyone could submit their ideas to this board for review and the board would then make a determination as to what should be done with it. Perhaps a 4 level sponsorship system where the importance of the project could be analized and put into specific categories. Like a Partnership category where the FBOKC works actively with the sub group to get the message out there, an Acitve Sponsor category where the FBOKC takes on the overall operation of the sub group, a Sponsor categorgy where the FBOKC basically says "Yes, we believe you have a wonerful idea and you have our blessing to continue lobbying for your better _____," and of coarse a Non-sponsor category: "Great that you believe in _______, keep up the good work, your on your own."

    Like I said, I've thought alot about this, and while I don't think anything like this would ever happen, I do think it would be pretty cool... I haven't bloged in a while, maybe I will blog about this idea tonight, if my wife lets me... (sweety, I know you are a lurker, so you are seeing this... please let me blog tonight... p.s. I love you... p.s.s. don't kill me)

    I'm sure there's a better way I can articulate this, but can't reall spend too much time on it while I'm at work.
    There have been a lot of Friends [of/for] [organisation/cause] for at least several decades.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    It makes sense to work on collaboration on these issues as long as it's a progressive front. Friends for a Better Boulevard, which this is all copying, is a progressive organization... it is about walkability, urbanism, sustainability, and livability. If you use this model and don't embrace those issues then it's a sham.
    Friends of Barry Goldwater was a sham? A Friends for a Better Whatever shouldn't necessarily be of one political bent or the other.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Friends of Barry Goldwater was a sham? A Friends for a Better Whatever shouldn't necessarily be of one political bent or the other.
    Yes! Smart growth, good urban design, sustainability, and livability are NOT partisan issues. Everyone benefits from implementation of these concepts.

    It will be a sad day if anyone ever succeeds in destroying the public/private cooperation we have seen in OKC and programs such as MAPS. (Stay aware - there are those who would end things like MAPS despite all the good it has done for the city.)

    Be careful of overusing "brands" like Friends. It was very effective in slowing down the boulevard disaster in the making but that was a perfect storm that quickly coalesced into a very effective voice that got the attention of the city leadership. Ideas such as the Wheeler Park Aquarium are great and deserve support; but it would be unfortunate for the good idea to be overshadowed by "crying wolf".

    Overall though, I think Friends for a Better OKC is a good idea to promote the exchange of ideas of what can maintain the momentum OKC has achieved in making huge improvements in quality of life, desirability, and reputation.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    Be careful of overusing "brands" like Friends.
    That's exactly why I believe FBOKC could be exactly what is needed. Something that exists on an overall basis to weed out things that don't necessarily need to be pushed. I don't know if it would, could or should go anywhere, but as long as we have people willing to have their voice heard, I believe a group to advocate for that voice is a good idea. And I'm not saying "Boo-hoo, THEY aren't listing to us." I'm just saying, organizing some of these ideas will add to the conversation. It's just like you said, CaptDave:

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    I think Friends for a Better OKC is a good idea to promote the exchange of ideas of what can maintain the momentum OKC has achieved in making huge improvements in quality of life, desirability, and reputation.
    That's kinda what I had in mind, encouraging dialog

  8. #8

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    I see what you're getting at, Fantastic, and I certainly think there's merit to the idea.

    I think conversely, Friends for a Better Boulevard has established the brand for itself and that future Friends groups, unless they emerge in a very convincing, somewhat manufactured way (as opposed to the organic way FBB came about) they will simply be ignored...in fact I think they are. FBB has 527 Facebook members. Friends for a Better Convention Center? 48...and the convention center is arguably a bigger deal to more citizens than the Boulevard. It could be just as advantageous to leave it alone and let future organic movements create their own branding and ideas to spur on their developments.

    In this case, the branding was also likely more effective, and I mean this sincerely, because Better Boulevard just sounds appealing because of the alliteration. Better Aquarium? Not so much :-/

    If it's an advocacy group that you think that OKC needs/would benefit from, I would recommend finding a unifying goal(s), like Spartan suggested, and come up with a more convincing branding: Urban OKC, OKC Coalition for Improved QoL, Focus on the Core, or some such thing. From there, find some well positioned people to help start the organization and find ways you can advance the group's cause in the city.

    Remember that to copy something is to be a step behind in the game of ingenuity. It seems like Friends needs to stay with the Boulevard for the near future. I think there is better, more appealing branding for an OKC Urban advocacy group.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Copying the Friends brand wasn't really the intention. It more/less just seemed natural. I'm not trying to start/continue anything, or maybe I am, I don't really know. BUT the idea I had was to acctually try to prevent the cheapening of the so-called "brand name" by focusing these ideas. Funny that you mentioned the Facebook numbers, I'm actually looking at that in the blog I'm writing.

    Anywho, the last thing I want to do is cheapen any one particular message. But that's the point. If groups are going to follow the path of FBB and use the same "branding," it needs to be done in a resposible way. Someone needs to look at it and say that it eaither does or does not have merit, clear goals, untiy, general intrest, positive impact, etc. If it does, it should be supported, if it doesn't, then it shouldn't.

    Now then, as far as the FBCC is concerned, remember something about that. Sure it only has 48 members, but it was created on Aug 29. The last thing posted was on Aug 30. And, a quick glance at the members list shows that ALL of it's 48 members were added "2 months ago." The last two added to FBB were added "11 hours ago." The numbers aren't there for FBCC because it hasn't been active. A group like this should complement the ongoing conversation and promote open and continuous dialog. Can't do that if it's not active.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    On that note, the Friends for a Better Convention Center thread began on the same day as the Facebook group (Aug 29), last post the same as the last post on the Facebook group (Aug 30). Gained 50 members (now 48) in it's first day, which isn't half bad, but then it was left for dead. If it had been active over the last month and a half, it would probably have more intrest. Once again I say, let's not cheapen the message. If your going to do it, do it or get someone to help.

  11. Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Calling Sid... ^

  12. #12

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    There's a LOT to be said for Southwest Aviator's actions on the FBB project. I think if it weren't for him we'd already be seeing another tourniquet on the CBD. While there's no guarantee that the Boulevard still won't be that, the OKC-ODOT collusion would be virtually complete. I love the idea of Friends for a Better Convention Center, Friends for a Better Wheeler Park Aquarium and Friends for a Better OKC, but it's gonna be just another OKC Talk thread or Facebook page without someone who feels passionately like Bob does. FBB STILL has current activity. If you look at the FB page, there are some people who are very active and keep the info there current (to include a councilman) -- at a time when the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if the City isn't just playing 'possum hoping Bob and his Friends will just go away. Anywho -- I do think that OKC Talk would be OK "investing" in a Friends for a Better OKC Sub-Forum under the Urban Development or General Civic Issues fora and putting all the Friends threads in that. Then, see who steps forward and runs with the Convention Center or Aquarium ball.
    Jedicurt or RickOKC: look at the FBB thread and FBB FB page and take heed for your Aquarium efforts.
    LarryOKC: if you're the driving force behind the FBCC concept, you should also keep the FB Page active (which has a councilman as a member, as well).
    Fantastic: I like the idea of a FBOKC corral or focus group. If nothing else, it could be a support group where all the true believers meet to lick their wounds and get encouragement before they go back out into the fight. It might even develop a synergy where the "Friends" people could get some input into the next long range plan the City develops.

  13. Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I'm headed to Seattle. Will be back next week and we should chat. Interested in helping but the support needs to be "out there" and accessible.
    Oh, I thought this Friends for a Better OKC thing was you. Oops

  14. #14

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    I'm going to take credit for the name. Lol. Because of the streetcar project, can't say much about the Boulevard campaign itself. But I think it's cool the name is a synonymous with something meaningful and perhaps part of local political lexicon. Bob is a good close friend, founder of the initiative, and obviously backed it up by doing a substantial amount of heavy lifting and continues to do so on the Boulevard project. He is a profound community organizer and the results speak for themselves.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    And I don't know how original the "Friends for" is... I brainstormed names for him and it came out in a list of about 20. I might have heard it somewhere and subconsciously picked it up. But because the community organizing is based on the Facebook platform, it made sense. There is even a logo for FBB now.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Friends for a Better OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    There's a LOT to be said for Southwest Aviator's actions on the FBB project. I think if it weren't for him we'd already be seeing another tourniquet on the CBD. While there's no guarantee that the Boulevard still won't be that, the OKC-ODOT collusion would be virtually complete. I love the idea of Friends for a Better Convention Center, Friends for a Better Wheeler Park Aquarium and Friends for a Better OKC, but it's gonna be just another OKC Talk thread or Facebook page without someone who feels passionately like Bob does. FBB STILL has current activity. If you look at the FB page, there are some people who are very active and keep the info there current (to include a councilman) -- at a time when the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if the City isn't just playing 'possum hoping Bob and his Friends will just go away. Anywho -- I do think that OKC Talk would be OK "investing" in a Friends for a Better OKC Sub-Forum under the Urban Development or General Civic Issues fora and putting all the Friends threads in that. Then, see who steps forward and runs with the Convention Center or Aquarium ball.
    Jedicurt or RickOKC: look at the FBB thread and FBB FB page and take heed for your Aquarium efforts.
    LarryOKC: if you're the driving force behind the FBCC concept, you should also keep the FB Page active (which has a councilman as a member, as well).
    Fantastic: I like the idea of a FBOKC corral or focus group. If nothing else, it could be a support group where all the true believers meet to lick their wounds and get encouragement before they go back out into the fight. It might even develop a synergy where the "Friends" people could get some input into the next long range plan the City develops.
    Just saw this, sorry, wasn't me

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