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Thread: Chair Crushers in Henryetta

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Chair Crushers in Henryetta

    I found this place just off I-40 near the Henryetta exit.

    They have an interesting promo going on: If you weigh 450lbs or more, you eat for free.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Chair Crushers


    This might go on my facebook page...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    This has to be the dumbest idea ever.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Seems smaller than the Big Ed of old. If it weren't for that silly tomato and onion requirement, it would be an interesting bit of challenge. Not a fan of the texture of mater and onion slices. Hmmm, wonder if they might sub in extra lettuce and pickle slices instead?

    And as for dumb ideas, well, this is not even close.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Isn't the Barbquetioner slightly overpriced? Like, by maybe $20 or $30? (and this before the additional $9.95 per person). It seems overpriced to me. I wonder if they have Beer Battered Deep Fried Snickers on the dessert menu. ("Waiter! What is this glop on my menu? Take this back and give me a clean one.") Isn't Henryetta the town that bans dancing all the time and all beer sales on Sundays? (another two of the dumbest ideas ever).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    I dont have a problem with the burger. The bbq- I don't think I could eat the bologna or the okra. 100 is alot to lose. I might try the burger.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    The okra would be the deal breaker for me. Mama tried her best, as have others, but okra is one of several items that I have just never cared for, and no longer even bother to consider whether I might someday reconsider.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Bad news about this place is that it used to be a good restaurant before they leased it out to the folks running it now. To bad. Menu is horrible and prices are way to high for the area. Wont last long. Oh, and the bbq, its bad. I just ate there today, i will say it was busy but just thinking that was labor day traffic and the fact that it is new, give it time and it will fail. Bad deal for the wait staff as they were trying there best with a menu that was bad.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Quote Originally Posted by corndog1
    Bad news about this place is that it used to be a good restaurant before they leased it out to the folks running it now.
    i've been trying to picture this place... was it once called pig out palace? -M

  10. #10

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    i've been trying to picture this place... was it once called pig out palace? -M
    yes. See an opening article at:

  11. #11

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    thanks! -M

  12. #12

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    My daughters and I used to stop at Pig Out every year when I took them back and forth to Memphis for dad visit. 20 years ago, it was decent and my youngest loved the pig theme. Too bad it's stooped to promoting such an unhealthy lifestyle.
    I'll take two orders of myocardial infarction, to go.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    First off, can you really judge a place badly that had 280 people eating and 100 waiting in line to set down? We fed over 700 people that day!
    I am the owner of this place, this restaurant has been in my family for 25 years.
    The menu has only changed in the fact that everything is homemade and some of the items are cheaper than before.
    And the buffet is gone because food cost was too high and way to much food waist.
    Now I have had about a half percent of the people who come in complain about the place as soon as they walk in the door, before they even give it a trybecause there is no buffet even though there is not one withing 45 miles and its low cost is 20 a plate. The food is great and if you are not happy with it then I comp the meal or find you something you would like.
    You can never please everyone, especially those who are pissed off at a busy place that they have to wait for the food. We are in no way a fast food precooked restaurant, everything you order is cooked when the kitchen gets the ticket except for the things that take hours to cook. We are doing our best here trying to provide great food to local and travelers.
    And I despise negative people trying to doom a place because they are upset that the predecessor shut down. I had no bearing on that.
    So folks, come in and try out our food for yourself and remember, some people can't be satisfied anywhere they go.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Chair Crushers

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaronruth View Post
    And the buffet is gone because food cost was too high and way to much food waist.
    Some typos deserve their own little hur-rahs.

    Best of luck with your new venture.

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