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Allow me some leeway to discuss, here. I know it is going to disgust some people, especially those that don't have much of a background with zoology. I apologize in advance for offending certain sensibilities.
Domesticated animals, like dogs, tend to breed indiscriminately and rely on humans to help raise their young. Accordingly, domesticated male animals typically show no loyalty to a mate and don't stick around to raise their offspring. They don't need to for the species to survive and, in fact, it works out better for man because they can control breeding, numbers and bloodlines. Nothing controversial in that statement. It is the sort of thing that defines a domesticated animal (vs. a tamed one).
People, however, remind me of coyotes in that both are very adaptable to different environments. Unlike dogs, coyotes mate for at least the breeding season and the male sticks around to help raise the pups. They have to or the pups can't survive. They've done studies of alleged coydogs (dog/coyote crosses) and discovered that there are relatively very few of them in the wild. Male coyotes typically refuse to mate with a female dog. Female coyotes will mate with dogs but usually the pups don't survive in the wild because dogs, being domesticated, don't have any loyalty to their mate or offspring. A coyote mother in the wild usually can't raise them on her own, very successfully. She might save one or two but rarely a whole litter.
IMO, we've got a lot of people behaving more like domesticated animals than wild ones. They breed on a whim instead of as part of a long term commitment (and mind you, even male coyotes have better sense than that). As a society, we've been trying to take the place of the male but - if you will excuse the phrase - it is the tail wagging the dog. We can neuter and confine domesticated animals to control unwanted offspring but people are a different story. As long as we are content to try to domesticate people by removing any real need to mate for the duration, we are going to have this problem. And the thing is, people aren't livestock. We can't control how and when they breed and we are spending enormous sums of money to try to take the place of an intact, healthy family unit. Unsuccessfully. Anyone who thinks people aren't just another type of animal is off in some religious la la land. No, they aren't coyotes, they aren't blue birds and they aren't chimps, but it is insanity to think a single parent is equiped to raise a child without a lot of help from the rest of us. Some manage but many have no such resources and it isn't just about cash and food stamps. It is about long nights, homework, teenage angst, etc. Civilizing children is what makes them different from feral animals. Food stamps and section 8 housing is just about keeping them alive.
NoOkie, I want to say I am not impuning your mom. I am saying that for many women - perhaps most mothers, it is just too much. You described your dad paying child support and at least giving your mother a break during some holidays. Many, many poor women don't have any of that and have more chaos going on at the same time. You and your sister were from the same father and it sounds like your mother had her head on straight. It is all the more complicated to come from an environment where the mother has children by multiple men and who is willing to expose her kids to men coming in and out of their lives. Some men make great step father/role models. Some are only around for short term with no interest, or even animosity, towards existing children.