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Thread: Edmond Alvardo's????

  1. #1

    Default Edmond Alvardo's????

    Anyone know if Alvarado's closed their doors for good? If so -its one of the fastest opening/closing restaurants I've ever heard. Oh - I guess Denny's on N. May might be about the same for length of time open then closed.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    What? Were they closed Saturday? I don't understand what you mean, one of the fastest opening/closing restaurants.

    Is there more than one Alvarado's in Edmond?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    I'm not 100% sure they are closed. By most appearances they are but I was wrong once before - in 1996...lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    Are we talking about the Alvarado's on 2nd St? It's been there as long as I've lived here, 6 years. Only been there once, but I was pretty grossed out by what I saw, and never went back.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    I'm talking about the place on 33rd/Broadway -between the Sears store and Charlestons.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    I'm talking about the place on 33rd/Broadway -between the Sears store and Charlestons.
    That's Alfredo's. I hope not, I enjoyed their food.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    Debzkidz, may I ask what you saw that grossed you out? No personal interest; just curious.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
    Debzkidz, may I ask what you saw that grossed you out? No personal interest; just curious.
    We were there on a week night evening, with only a couple of other tables of people dining, so it was slow, but the place was just dirty. There was food under many of the tables and in chairs. I could understand that if it was really busy not when it was so slow. And there were plenty of people working there, but they were busy socializing.

    That's not what grossed me out though. This is. We were sitting where we could see into drink station and part of the kitchen. We watched someone mopping the tile in the kitchen, then they dumped all the dirty brown mop water on the tile floor and the carpeted area in and around the drink station. Then they just had a big squeegee thing that they ran over the carpet and into the kitchen. I watched wait staff walking across the carpet and you could just hear their shoes squishing through all the wet carpet. There was water all the way out into the dining area. It was just too gross.

    I hope Alfredo's isn't closed. We eat there pretty regularly. I really like that place.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    Man, that's enough to make me rethink going to Alvarado's again. They could be good copy for Restaurant Impossible or Restaurant Stake-Out on the Food Network.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Edmond Alvardo's????

    I've eaten at Alvarado's for over 10 years now and I've never seen anything like what you said. Must have been someone who didn't know what they were doing and I would guess they are not there anymore. Actually they have done a few renovations of the restrooms and such there over the last few years. The owner Carlos is a good guy.

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