jmarkross reincarnated? (kinder, gentler, with less font abuse but no less obtuse) edit to add a smiley:
jmarkross reincarnated? (kinder, gentler, with less font abuse but no less obtuse) edit to add a smiley:
Who the F---- is jmarkross?!!!
Last time I heard someone say something like that it was in regard to David Allen Coe.
(Sorry . . . That didn't abbreviate as "kind".)
P.S.: Glad you liked that excursion into "Down Home Oklahoma Virtual Reality" (c/o that McMurtry Dude) over on "The Feel Good Music Thread" . . .
PPS: Look up the defintion of "obtuse" . . . It ain't the same as "obscure".
'course . . . I'm sorta kinda an agnostic when it comes to "proper" grammatical style . . .
Who the F---- is jmarkross?!!!
It's unimportant and was actually almost a compliment, much like the way love/hate goes.
Sorta' like Yin/Yang I guess. Or tossin' the Tao sticks . . . Or saying "Yes" when the Lottery Ticket is offered . . . =)
(Yet, I must say that I agnostically question the veracity of the theory of reincarnation . . . =)
Like "Neo-Gnosticism" ?
Or Ouija Boards?
Like Fight Club, apparently.
Agnostic. I remember at Southeast two years ago, my AP Gov teacher decided to ask the class how many of us were athiest/agnostic. It tied into the conversation at the time, but there were 8 of us out of a class of 25. Maybe some of them may have changed their minds since then, but I found it interesting; in the context of OKC's diversity, young and old, even in the buckle of the bible belt.
I will be happy to offer you my faith.
I believe in a sovereign, holy, and perfect God, the Creator of the universe. I believe man was created in His image, but fell to sin, and in so doing separated mankind from a right relationship with God. I further believe that God sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, yet also sinless, to earth in flesh for the purpose of receiving the penalty mankind deserves for its sin. In that Christ died on the cross, was dead, buried, and rose again on the 3rd day, whosoever believes on the name of Christ shall be forgiven of their sins and be given the gift of eternal life, but whosoever denies Christ is eternally separated from God.
No name calling or fights here. All I can do is my small part of spreading the word, and hope you will hear it, and hope it will touch your heart in a way that will help you recognize that the very fact you asked the question suggests something within you is challenging your beliefs, and I would further contend that's evidence of the Holy Spirit trying to challenge you and draw you to God through Christ.
Blessings all.
Is Sooner football a religion?
Let me start by saying that I want entirely civil discussions, though I do not think that questioning and engaging in discussion or debate about the beliefs of another, so long as no insults or rudeness is used, is uncivil.
Now, on to the point: I did not start this thread because something withing me is challenging my beliefs. I did so because I wanted to know if this forum had enough people who were willing to discuss religion openly that I could later create a thread expressly for debating the existence of a god.
I was at one time a Christian, but when I was forced to examine my beliefs I found that I had no real justification for them. I found that I could not in good conscience believe or pretend to believe something that was not apparently true, and made the decision that I want to believe as many true things as possible and disregard as many false things as possible. And no theistic claim I have ever encountered has stood up to even minute scrutiny.
Start that thread, sounds great!
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