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In the traditional and modern period. Marriage include same sex couples dating back almost 2000 years to Rome, Greece, China, and Europe. So don't argue that point too much. When does tradition start and end? There were plenty of group marriages through the centuries, but that has been outlawed in nearly every country.
Tradition is just a word people use to make them feel good about the way they act or choose to do something. It was tradition to stone people, set them on fire, hang them, cut off limbs, rape them, and so on. Do we accept that tradition? Of course not, it doesn't make us feel good inside and we know better how to treat people. Human society has been ever evolving. Heck in the last century alone we've evolved a ton. Should we go back to respecting tradition and tell women to get back in the kitchen, quit their jobs, serve their man and take care of the kids? Hell no. We have moved past that point of our history...hopefully. Though if we don't look back and evaluate the harm we've caused, we are bound to repeat it going forward and there are many who think that rights we share across all people today are going to be significantly fewer going forward in time.