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Thread: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

  1. #1

    Default Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Bricktown Hampton sells for $32M
    By Brianna Bailey
    The Journal Record
    Monday, June 7, 2010

    The Hampton Inn and Suites in Bricktown sold for $32 million. (Maike Sabolich)
    OKLAHOMA CITY – A Virginia real estate investment trust has scooped up the Hampton Inn and Suites in Bricktown for $32 million, a price one market observer called one of Oklahoma’s most lucrative hotel sales in the past several years.

    “That’s an extremely aggressive price and as much as I’ve seen for a Hampton at any point during the boom. It’s just an extraordinary price for this marketplace,” said Peter Holmes, CEO of the Oklahoma-based firm Hotel Broker One, which was not involved with the sale.

    “Today’s market is still viewed as pretty depressed and this would represent a pretty significant, interesting shift in saying there are still properties out there that are valued extremely high,” Holmes said.

    Apple REIT, one of the largest owners of Hilton-branded hotels in the country, purchased the two-year-old Bricktown hotel at 300 E. Sheridan Ave. and adjacent parking garage last week from Raymond Management, a Wisconsin-based, multi-brand hotel company, and Oklahoma City real estate developer Marsh Pitman.

    The nine-story, 200-room Hampton was built in 2008. The hotel has an indoor pool and water park and features a brick façade to comply with architectural guidelines set by the Bricktown Urban Design Committee.

    “It’s encouraging to me that out-of-state buyers are looking for property in Oklahoma,” Pitman said. “They like our economy … It’s a very vibrant market and people outside the state recognize that.”

    Raymond Management and Pitman Resources will continue to manage the hotel and parking garage, respectively.

    A representative from Apple REIT on Monday declined to comment on the sale.

  2. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    This is basically a rewritten press release with a feel good quote from the former owner. I kept looking for where it mentioned how much it was built for..

    Found it in an old article, $20 million. So Pitman not only got $32 million in the end, but he made $12 million by DOING SOMETHING and not just sitting on his site and doing nothing. That's the real story, Journal Record.

    So now that Pitman and the Wisconsin group have $32 million in cash I'm wondering what Pitman will do with his share.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Nick, what do you think most journalism is these days, re-written press releases my friend. I know, I write them for a living.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    I wish that question would have been asked. Pitman, do you have any other plans for okc development?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    So now that Pitman and the Wisconsin group have $32 million in cash I'm wondering what Pitman will do with his share.
    If he doesn't spend it on more development then that will be one huge tax bill. Expect it to be re-invested.

  6. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Well, the hotel may have been built for 20 million, but how much did the "adjacent parking garage" get built for that was also in the purchase?

  7. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    If he doesn't spend it on more development then that will be one huge tax bill. Expect it to be re-invested.
    You still have to pay on capital gains even if you just transfer money to a different investment. The slate is wiped clean for this one particular venture, unless he has his finances set up as an investment fund where all of his money from his development stays.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    This is a very good sign that the hotel environment in Oklahoma City is a very good investment for the future.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    This is a very good sign that the hotel environment in Oklahoma City is a very good investment for the future.
    Hopefully this can be used to lure more quality hotel development in the downtown core.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    This is basically a rewritten press release with a feel good quote from the former owner. I kept looking for where it mentioned how much it was built for..

    Found it in an old article, $20 million. So Pitman not only got $32 million in the end, but he made $12 million by DOING SOMETHING and not just sitting on his site and doing nothing. That's the real story, Journal Record.

    So now that Pitman and the Wisconsin group have $32 million in cash I'm wondering what Pitman will do with his share.
    Bolded for emphasis. Developers should pay heed--if you build it, they will buy you out.

    If we wanted to force development, we'd be getting rid of any credits or tax exemptions on the ad valorem taxes for properties held for development by developers. I understand they can sit for a period of time without being assessed anything.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Interesting article on a new convention center attached hotel in todays DOK

    Oklahoma City's plans for a conference hotel could require city subsidies | NewsOK.com

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Good article. City could help subsidize building it with a hotel developer and then sell it in 4 or 5 years and make a sizable profit!

  13. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Well the city needs to retain a minority interest at least in the hotel, same as the convention center (I presume they would outsource management once its built, same as with the Cox), in order to still have some say and be able to control booking.

  14. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Especially in the current economy, the only way a large convention center hotel would be built was with city backing. Dallas had to subsidize theirs and so did Denver. Denver is going to build a large hotel at DIAirport but only because they will be selling airport bonds to finance it. Agree with Spartan and the point made in the article that the city needs to have some ownership to block out convention times for convention goers.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    I am involved in the convention center hotel in Dallas, and have been with a number of others the last few years. All are subsidized by the city. It is practically the only way these things are getting approved for financing.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Good article. City could help subsidize building it with a hotel developer and then sell it in 4 or 5 years and make a sizable profit!
    Any word if the subsidy will cost more than $155 per room? That seem to be the going rate for outrage these days.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Any word if the subsidy will cost more than $155 per room? That seem to be the going rate for outrage these days.

    Quick and dirty math alert...

    $60M taxpayer subsidy on a 750 room hotel = $80,000 per room

    Of course the cost per room comes down, lets say it has a 10 year lifespan before a remodel is needed = $8,000/room. Then divide that by occupancy rate per year....

    Factor in that the above is for the cost of the entire hotel, not just the rooms.

  18. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Wonder if that room will generate $80,000 during its lifespan.. (yes)

  19. #19

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Wonder if that room will generate $80,000 during its lifespan.. (yes)
    Keep in mind that is just the potential taxpayers share of the room cost. The question is, will it produce $80,000/room in direct taxable revenue for the City. I don't have the quick-n-dirty math on that one.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post

    Quick and dirty math alert...

    $60M taxpayer subsidy on a 750 room hotel = $80,000 per room

    Of course the cost per room comes down, lets say it has a 10 year lifespan before a remodel is needed = $8,000/room. Then divide that by occupancy rate per year....

    Factor in that the above is for the cost of the entire hotel, not just the rooms.
    How many bus routes will that fund?

  21. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Keep in mind that is just the potential taxpayers share of the room cost. The question is, will it produce $80,000/room in direct taxable revenue for the City. I don't have the quick-n-dirty math on that one.

    I think the assumption of a $60 million subsidy to build a 750 room hotel is sort of assuming that the city is fronting the majority of the cost I think...or at least half. Keep in mind that a 750 room hotel is not an 850 ft skyscraper, more like 400 maybe, and the going rate is a lot different than a world headquarters..

  22. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Keep in mind that is just the potential taxpayers share of the room cost. The question is, will it produce $80,000/room in direct taxable revenue for the City. I don't have the quick-n-dirty math on that one.

    I think the assumption of a $60 million subsidy to build a 750 room hotel is sort of assuming that the city has to front a rather huge portion of the cost. The total expense of building such a hotel is likely to not exceed $200 mil in my opinion.

    The MOST important thing in the entire equation is that we continue to get more smaller hotels as infill projects, and that's where Marsh Pitman comes back in (back to the thread topic).

  23. #23

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    I still think we should get the Gaylords to build an elite resort hotel downtown!

  24. Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    The Gaylord family has no control over Gaylord Entertainment/Gaylord Resorts anymore. It's a publicly traded company based in Nashville.

    Good news that the Hampton was valued that high by an out of state company.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  25. #25

    Default Re: Bricktown Hampton Inn sells for $32 million

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    I still think we should get the Gaylords to build an elite resort hotel downtown!
    I have been hoping for that the minute I heard Okc wanting a new convention center with hotel.

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