So when will the next one be, Nick? My friend from New York City wanted to come and shoot, but I failed to mention it to him.
It was great meeting you guys.
So when will the next one be, Nick? My friend from New York City wanted to come and shoot, but I failed to mention it to him.
It was great meeting you guys.
Just wanted to throw my words of appreciation in here. Great job!
Guys, those are some really awesome pics. It's interesting to see the results knowing where all we went and remembering who was taking what. I was pretty impressed by everyone's knowledge of the city and what's going on.
I'm all for doing it again before it gets too hot.
And thanks again for all of the nice comments.
I got the Bricktown photos posted. iconoklahoma: The Bricktown Shots
Skywest, dunno--feel free to suggest something. Something different than what we did this time, though. Here's my Automobile Alley pics. God, I love this neighborhood..too bad it was absolutely dead.
Now we just have to get angled parking in there.
And your pics, Curt..
Theres a link.
Oh! Sorry I completely missed it. Nice shots..for Steve and anyone else interested, this one here is the group shot (minus Skywest):
IMG_4712 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Girlfriend called and was p.o'd, I thought I was supposed to pick her up at 6, not 5, so here I am in downtown shooting pics and she calls....yeah, had to high tail it outta there.
What is now open above Bourbon St Cafe?
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