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Thread: Can MWC resident's vote for MAPS3?

  1. #1

    Default Can MWC resident's vote for MAPS3?

    I've been getting quite a bit of VOTE YES mail in my mailbox this week... and I live in Midwest City. Can MWC residents vote for MAPS3 since it's a suburb of OKC and I technically spend most of my money in OKC??

    VOTE YES DEC. 8TH!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can MWC resident's vote for MAPS3?

    No, you have to be a resident of OKC. Whoever you pay your water bill to is the only municipality you can vote in.

  3. Default Re: Can MWC resident's vote for MAPS3?

    Quote Originally Posted by Watson410 View Post
    I've been getting quite a bit of VOTE YES mail in my mailbox this week... and I live in Midwest City. Can MWC residents vote for MAPS3 since it's a suburb of OKC and I technically spend most of my money in OKC??

    VOTE YES DEC. 8TH!!!
    It's possible that if you live in some neighborhoods of Moore or MWC that have OKC utilities, then you can vote. In order for that to happen you'd have to be like..a stone's throw from OKC city limits though. (There are some neighborhoods that are literally the same neighborhood, but one part is in Moore, the other is OKC..like around Santa Fe and 119th for example).

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