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Thread: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

  1. #26

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Yeah, you know a lot of public servants that are penniless I bet?

    Agree with SoonerDave - I'm not saying Mick is doing something wrong right now, but also agree that the appearance is there. Also agree with him in saying that just because other people do this doesn't make it right for him, now does it?
    Actually the few individuals I know personally were not penniless but definitely could have done much better economically had they refrained from public service.

    It seems to me you are saying that the Mayor is morally wrong. It is certainly your right to do so but it seems to me the logical conclusion of your reasoning is difficult to sustain.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

    I don't think anyone disparages the mayor's ability to make a living. To suggest otherwise, as you have twice, is disingenuous hyperbole.

    Similarly, the mayor has shown himself to be a man of integrity, and i don't see anyone questioning that.

    The simple fact, though, is that at A/M he will be paid to promote his clients, people like Aubrey McClendon and OG&E. That in itself could pose a conflict.

    I don't see anyone freaking out over this.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

    Just from a practical standpoint if someone had wanted to influence the Mayor it seems to me it would have been much easier to simply become a client of his production company.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

    Sorry, I agree with Sooner Dave and others....there is too much going on over there at AM...if people only knew........that's all I am saying..........Believe me..the people with the most money and influence in this town know how to wield it. Don't be so naive!! I am not accusing Cornett, he seems affable and honest enough....

  5. #30

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett joins Ackerman McQueen ad agency as Executive VP

    If Cornett and/or Ackerman Mcqueen has done something wrong then someone should at least file an official complaint or initiate a public campaign to censure Cornett and penalize Acerman McQueen in some way.

    Surely there are enough offended lawyers in the City that some excuse could be found to support some kind of civil action if nothing else.

    If the complaint is only political then political action is the solution including new laws to protect the public interest from future occurrences of similar turpitude.

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