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Thread: Embassy Suites

  1. #1

    Health Science Center Embassy Suites

    Information & Latest News

    741 N. Phillips
    owner=Midtown Renaissance
    cost=$25 million
    start=June 2013
    finish=Opening January 27, 2015
    height=6 Floors
    194 rooms

    4/11/13: $25 million building permit
    3/2/13: Construction set to start on Embassy Suites

    Downtown Hotel Summary
    Urban Project Summary

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Pete; 02-07-2011 at 03:02 PM.

  2. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Its only a matter of time before they take over everything west of Lottie, and north of 4th St.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    As I've stated many times, the OUHSC is turning into a monster.

    Sure wish we could find ways to better tie it to downtown in order to benefit both areas and the community as a whole.

  4. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC


    Looks like those on the east side of the building will have great views overlooking the big power plant.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    As I've stated many times, the OUHSC is turning into a monster.

    Sure wish we could find ways to better tie it to downtown in order to benefit both areas and the community as a whole.
    OUHSC is expanding west to 235. They own some of the property West past 235, but not much. OUHSC also has expansion property North of the Capitol on Lincoln. If anything OUHSC is going to contain itself into the 4th to 13th area east of 235 to Lottie area. It would be nice if they would clean up the area south of 8th down to NE1st though. Thats kinda a weird little area that doesn't get any attention.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    It will be great to have a hotel there, as that will really increase convenience for patients' families. Is this Bob Howard's new group, or did this group exist before and/or during his association with Banta?

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    It will be great to have a hotel there, as that will really increase convenience for patients' families. Is this Bob Howard's new group, or did this group exist before and/or during his association with Banta?
    It's goign to be great for the hospital. Families and also physicians. Visiting physicians get stuck at some seedy hospital up on lincoln. Don't remember the name. OU has no overnight living for nurses or physicians now that are really up to par.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority approves hotel’s preliminary plans

    By Pamela Grady

    1:55 p.m.

    The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority today approved preliminary schematic designs for the development of a 196-guest room Embassy Suites hotel.

    Bob Howard, Mickey Clagg and Robert Slater — doing business as OU E Suites LLC — plan to build the hotel as part of the Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park, Harrison-Walnut Urban Renewal Plan.

    “We see ourselves positioning with the Downtown hotels,” Clagg said.

    The authority also asked the developers to re-examine issues with exterior materials and to submit landscape plans before final approval.

    The 8-floor 187,550-square-foot hotel will be located at NW 8th and Phillips Avenue. It will boast multiple water features throughout its four-story indoor atrium. The facility will also include a 16,000-square-foot multi-function banquet area, an on-site restaurant to seat 133 patrons, a market deli restaurant, a business center, a 627-square-foot exercise facility and a concierge lounge on its 8th floor. Temporary parking will be available to the south of the project until future development of a 316-space parking garage is developed.

    Slater said the group chose Embassy Suites because of the nearby medical center and the product being an extended-stay concept. Construction is expected to take 18 months.

  9. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Where are renderings?

  10. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by supersooner View Post
    OUHSC is expanding west to 235. They own some of the property West past 235, but not much. OUHSC also has expansion property North of the Capitol on Lincoln. If anything OUHSC is going to contain itself into the 4th to 13th area east of 235 to Lottie area. It would be nice if they would clean up the area south of 8th down to NE1st though. Thats kinda a weird little area that doesn't get any attention.
    It would be nice if someone could do something all the way down to Reno, what a dump. Even the stuff that backs up to I 40. Great way to show off OKC into downtown.

  11. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    I'd imagine the infill will spill over there eventually.

  12. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

  13. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberman View Post
    It would be nice if someone could do something all the way down to Reno, what a dump. Even the stuff that backs up to I 40. Great way to show off OKC into downtown.

    Please watch yourself. There are a lot of good folks in that "dump".

  14. #14

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    I think he means all of the salvage yards near Reno

  15. #15

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    old dead plane hulls gotta be hawked somewhere

  16. #16

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjkt405 View Post
    Please watch yourself. There are a lot of good folks in that "dump".
    I agree with it giving off the appearance of being a junky, dumpy area. If OKC is going to be a big league city then it is going to have to clean up it's image. OKC is starting to improve on this, however, it has a long way to go. Why is my former hometown so junky? OKC is not the cleanest city and its appearance says alot about it's inhabitants.

  17. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I think he means all of the salvage yards near Reno
    I can agree with this. I assumed the poster included the neighborhoods directly south of the hospital.

  18. #18

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    I agree with it giving off the appearance of being a junky, dumpy area. If OKC is going to be a big league city then it is going to have to clean up it's image. OKC is starting to improve on this, however, it has a long way to go. Why is my former hometown so junky? OKC is not the cleanest city and its appearance says alot about it's inhabitants.
    It's all a matter of perception. I'm curious how often do you visit OKC based on your posts. Often myself or others have pointed out many advancements here in OKC that you are unaware of, but your judgement is still based upon the old OKC. Here's a quote from the article from the leaders who came visited us recently from Jackson, Mississippi. We've had several cities over the last few years come visit us (some from much much larger metro's) for inspiration to revitalize their cities. All of them were astonished by how clean our city is compared to theirs and most they've been to. I have to agree having traveled most of the US although Miami sure is pretty. We are MUCH cleaner than most Eastern US metro's. Have you ever been to NYC, Newark, Boston, Philly, DC, Atlanta, Columbus, Cincinnatti, Detroit and all through the Rust Belt and Eastern Seaboard? We are a fairly clean city. Dallas has it's rough dirty areas just like we do (South Dallas, Deep Ellum, Singleton, Westmoreland, Bachman Lake and Fair Park area come to mind). Dallas was ranked #6 most dangerous city in America in several polls recently of cities over 500,000. City Crime Rankings by Population Group

    “Oklahoma City is a display showing what can be accomplished through wise and careful use of local option sales tax, grants and tax increment financing,” he said. “Oklahoma City is the cleanest city I’ve ever seen. And the civic pride produces a spontaneous, contagious enthusiasm that was obvious from all who we came in contact with.

  19. #19

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Yes Metro, I have been to NYC and parts of the Eastern seaboard and also have been to Atlanta, but considering the entire Eastern seaboard is ten times the population of the entire state of Oklahoma it is naturally going to have more blight and slum areas. If you look at my post, I made the statement that OKC is improving on cleaning up the city, so please not try to take it personally as this is only a thread based on peoples opinions and points of views. Since I am a native of OKC I feel like I can objectively critique my former hometown and compare it to other cities,especially regionally. I visit my hometown 3-4 times a year as I have family that reside in the OKC area so does that answer your question. Yes, OKC is making strides in becoming a more desireable place to live, I am not challenging or debating this, however, OKC has a long way to becoming a more clean, well kept city. It's architecture is very uninspiring,however, with Devon building their new skyscraper, this will be a "start" in improving the image and appearance of OKC. Lastly, yes Metro Dallas has it's scary parts as well, but overall, it's architecture and general cleanliness for a city it's size is extremely clean, much more than OKC.

  20. #20

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    I had heard about this hotel awhile back, glad to see it closer to construction. Close to the future light rail line on NE 10th. Building up that corridor is extremely important. If the hotel is at NE 8th and Phillips I wonder if the parking garage will go north or south of it? There are parking lots in both places.

  21. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjkt405 View Post
    Please watch yourself. There are a lot of good folks in that "dump".
    That's nice.

  22. #22

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Whatever happened to JQH's Embassy Suites?

  23. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    I believe he's building it in Norman...

  24. Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    JQH has a funny definition of "Oklahoma City"

  25. #25

    Default Re: New Embassy Suites-OUHSC

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Whatever happened to JQH's Embassy Suites?
    It's in Norman.

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