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Thread: Giving up....

  1. Unhappy Giving up....

    I can't seem to get a reply from anyone here on this thread. I'm going to give up. On other boards I post in, you get a question answered really fast. I am kinda sorry now I paid to be a gold member. Doesn't do me any good if I can't chat or do other things the website offers.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Giving up....

    sorry for the delay. not sure why the chat isn't working for you. however, as far as i know, nobody really uses it. it was a feature added a while back, but it didn't really ever catch on. so even if you could get in, i don't think there'd be anybody to chat with.


  3. Default Re: Giving up....

    It would actually be fun to have a local chatroom. I wish others would use it. BTW, how do i put a signature on my profile?

  4. Default Re: Giving up....

    I'm sorry! It's been crazy lately!

    Click the What's New icon above left to modify your signature.

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