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Thread: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

  1. Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    Well, I'm not going to do an unsafe lane change to get out of somebody's way But even if somebody is riding my tail, I'll speed up to whatever speed I need to in order to get out of the guy's way. Of course, I don't need much of an excuse to mash my go-pedal. It's a real hoot when you're packing heat under the hood.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    No matter what far-fetched excuse cops use to justify why they have decided to write tickets to people driving in the left lane, the real reason is because left lane obstructions cause congestion, which slows traffic, which hinders writing tickets to speeders. The cops have figured out that they can now have the best of both worlds by writing tickets to everyone.

    In today’s world it isn’t about public safety or justice, the court system and policing agency’s true job is to generate as much revenue as possible for the system. Local communities have found a goose that lays golden eggs and the enormous amount monies brought in from public fines is no longer just a benefit to the municipality’s coffers, it is a financial requirement that will never get smaller or go away.

    Before some of you get up-in-arms and start telling us how this isn’t true and how good the cops and court system is, please explain why there are literally thousands of people that have received multiple citations for DWI and DUI that just pay a fine and are permitted to continue driving on public roads? Is it for our safety and protection, or is it so those habitual criminals (with potential to cause deadly accidents) will keep getting arrested which will lead to additional (and larger) fines? Criminals can’t continue to make payments to the system if the judge sends them to jail. Another thing to think about is why the jails are full of law breakers, typically poor law breakers, that don’t have the resources to pay their fines. It is a fact there are many more poor people incarcerated than those with the means to get high dollar lawyers and pay huge fines thus keeping them out of prison, no matter what crime they committed.

    And also please explain exactly how the police will protect someone from having their car stolen, their business robbed or someone’s wife and children from being involved in a deadly car accident? How can the police protect you from ANY criminal activity or accident? The answer is; they can’t. They don’t have a crystal ball that tells them what bad deeds are about to happen, they can only write reports about it after the fact.

  3. #28
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    Quote Originally Posted by FRISKY View Post
    No matter what far-fetched excuse cops use to justify why they have decided to write tickets to people driving in the left lane, the real reason is because left lane obstructions cause congestion, which slows traffic, which hinders writing tickets to speeders. The cops have figured out that they can now have the best of both worlds by writing tickets to everyone.
    [Remaining irrelevant rant against "the man" redacted]
    Oh gimme a break! They aren't writing tickets to those doing the speed limit in the passing lane, only to those who are going under the speed limit in that lane and holding up passing traffic. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it "far-fetched".

    So, tell us Frisky, do you drive 50 in the left lane? Are you worried about getting one of these tickets? If so, then you should change your loathsome ways; if not then how noble and altruistic you are to take up the fight for the defenseless common-man against such horrible forces of tyranny. How dare those jack-booted thugs known as "Police Officers" enforce our laws.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    I think they should be called out. Tomorrow, I'm taking tag numbers. And not just to call them into the littering hotline - because let's face it, that fine is higher than the one you would get for going slow in the fast lane - but to call you out. It's like the traffic vent hotline but it's a list for the whole world to see. So if you own one of the cars that I see EVERY morning doing this on purpose - be ready to own your decision to piss everyone off on purpose. There are 2 or 3 vehicles for sure that I see do this every single day on purpose and you laugh as we all go around you. Your tag number and car description will be added to the public wall display of tards who need to learn how to drive.

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    Last night, I saw a Roto-Rooter van poking along in the left lane that wouldn't get out of the way FOR AN AMBULANCE!

    Good lord!

  6. #31
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    I think they should be called out. Tomorrow, I'm taking tag numbers. And not just to call them into the littering hotline - because let's face it, that fine is higher than the one you would get for going slow in the fast lane - but to call you out. It's like the traffic vent hotline but it's a list for the whole world to see. So if you own one of the cars that I see EVERY morning doing this on purpose - be ready to own your decision to piss everyone off on purpose. There are 2 or 3 vehicles for sure that I see do this every single day on purpose and you laugh as we all go around you. Your tag number and car description will be added to the public wall display of tards who need to learn how to drive.
    Where would I find such a fantastic web site as this?

  7. #32

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Where would I find such a fantastic web site as this?
    Well I had every intention of starting one today...but llike every other day, something came up and I have been swamped. So....I'm not sure. I want one though. Maybe a blog? I could start something on blogspot.com...
    ideas madmonk?

  8. #33
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma Drivers Beware (CNN)!

    I thought you had a link to an existing site that was already be in-place.

    But a blog might be fun. You could even have contributors upload cellphone pics of the offenders (taken by a passenger of course ). You could call it "Motorway Morons"

    Yeah, that might work out well.

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