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Thread: Braum's

  1. #1551

    Default Re: Braum's

    Lomah Dairy in Wynadotte has the best milk in the state. The cheeses are fantastic as well. Sadly, it has been about two years since I have been able to make the trip with how busy life has been. It is an old school farm with a serve yourself honor system.

  2. #1552

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
    Lomah Dairy in Wynadotte has the best milk in the state. The cheeses are fantastic as well. Sadly, it has been about two years since I have been able to make the trip with how busy life has been. It is an old school farm with a serve yourself honor system.
    They're permanently closed, per their FB page.

    gjl - Thanks for the tip about Fairlife, I'll have to investigate...

  3. #1553

    Default Re: Braum's

    Dozen eggs at Braum's pre -snowpocalypse is $6. A dozen cage free brown eggs at Trader Joes this afternoon is $2.99. Crazy price inversion and I hope Trader Joes wipes the floor with Braum's.

  4. #1554

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Try Fairlife milk. What you buy now has an expiration date in Feb 23. They say 2 weeks after it's opened. It's all I've been drinking for the last year or so.
    Fairlife milk is awesome! Try their chocolate milk too.

  5. #1555

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    Fairlife milk is awesome! Try their chocolate milk too.
    The only down side to Fairlife is the price (usually 3.98 for 52 oz.) and many times the Crest and WMs I shop at will be out of stock on it. The chocolate milk is a little too chocolaty for me. I have to mix it 1/2 with the Fairlife skim.

  6. #1556

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    Dozen eggs at Braum's pre -snowpocalypse is $6. A dozen cage free brown eggs at Trader Joes this afternoon is $2.99. Crazy price inversion and I hope Trader Joes wipes the floor with Braum's.

    I had a cashier tell me Braum's only makes 10 cents on a package of eggs. I almost jumped up on the register it was getting deep really fast.

  7. #1557

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    Dozen eggs at Braum's pre -snowpocalypse is $6. A dozen cage free brown eggs at Trader Joes this afternoon is $2.99. Crazy price inversion and I hope Trader Joes wipes the floor with Braum's.
    Trader Joes has the best pricing of most all items. We love their $0.19 bananas.

  8. #1558

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    Dozen eggs at Braum's pre -snowpocalypse is $6. A dozen cage free brown eggs at Trader Joes this afternoon is $2.99. Crazy price inversion and I hope Trader Joes wipes the floor with Braum's.
    6.20 for 2 dozen at costco

  9. #1559

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Try Fairlife milk. What you buy now has an expiration date in Feb 23. They say 2 weeks after it's opened. It's all I've been drinking for the last year or so.
    Look on Youtube for videos about Fairlife. The employees abuse the animals. They take the calves away from the mothers at birth and put them in cages outside where the mothers can see them. They hit the animals, let them fall off trucks, etc. I'd never buy one of their products until proven this has stopped.

  10. #1560

    Default Re: Braum's


  11. #1561

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Crisko View Post
    Look on Youtube for videos about Fairlife. The employees abuse the animals. They take the calves away from the mothers at birth and put them in cages outside where the mothers can see them. They hit the animals, let them fall off trucks, etc. I'd never buy one of their products until proven this has stopped.
    Just wait until this guy finds out about what happens with male chicks...

  12. #1562

    Default Re: Braum's

    I buy Kalona dairy products. They are produced by small amish and menonite farms. They use a variety of dairy breeds of cows not just Holstein. If it was not for them I would be back milking a cow again. If way was not so out of sight I might just go over the edge and by another milk cow. Yes I have had one and yes I am very familier with the early morning milking. I did when I was still working as a firefighter. Up at 230 am. Out to barn at 3am to milk feed and milk cow. Feed horses at 4am then chickens before coming in the house at 5 am to get get ready for work, leave house at 6 am to be at statiion by 615 to 630 am and be ready for the shift. Heck I already did a days work by the time shift started at 7 am.

  13. #1563

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Just wait until this guy finds out about what happens with male chicks...
    Or how they slaughter livestock.

  14. #1564

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    6.20 for 2 dozen at costco
    I've never been to a Costco. Will they sell me a half dozen for $1.49?

  15. #1565

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by oklip955 View Post
    I buy Kalona dairy products. They are produced by small amish and menonite farms. They use a variety of dairy breeds of cows not just Holstein. If it was not for them I would be back milking a cow again. If way was not so out of sight I might just go over the edge and by another milk cow. Yes I have had one and yes I am very familier with the early morning milking. I did when I was still working as a firefighter. Up at 230 am. Out to barn at 3am to milk feed and milk cow. Feed horses at 4am then chickens before coming in the house at 5 am to get get ready for work, leave house at 6 am to be at statiion by 615 to 630 am and be ready for the shift. Heck I already did a days work by the time shift started at 7 am.
    If my choices are $10 eggs or getting up at 3am to be a dairy farmer, I will choose the $20 eggs every time.

  16. #1566

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Hausfrau View Post
    I've never been to a Costco. Will they sell me a half dozen for $1.49?
    no they just do bulk 2 dozen is the smallest size ..

  17. #1567

    Default Re: Braum's

    Do they have extra large or just large. Ive been buying Egglands Best extra large lately because they have been priced over a dollar less than Walmart brand extra large for 18. I always buy extra large instead of large eggs. EB were always priced higher than store brand before the eggpocalipse started. But for some reason they are cheaper now.

  18. Default Re: Braum's


  19. #1569

    Default Re: Braum's

    Best and worse Braums in the metro: Council/Reno over by outlet mall ok for Lunch horrible most any other time.

  20. #1570

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Best and worse Braums in the metro: Council/Reno over by outlet mall ok for Lunch horrible most any other time.
    The Braums on N. May, near Quail Creek is AWFUL for breakfast. The new'ish one at NW 150th & May is consistently excellent for breakfast.

    I no longer do lunch or dinner at Braums. Their burgers used to be excellent but now they use too much lettuce (I ordered it without), WAY TOO MUCH mayo, and act like the special sauce is worth it's weight in gold and comes out of their paycheck. I always ordered no lettuce, no mayo and LOT of the special sauce and would always end up with a dry burger, with maybe a thimble full of sauce. They should take a lesson from Johnnies and their hickory sauce. If it's good, put plenty of it on there.

  21. #1571

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by corwin1968 View Post
    The Braums on N. May, near Quail Creek is AWFUL for breakfast. The new'ish one at NW 150th & May is consistently excellent for breakfast.

    I no longer do lunch or dinner at Braums. Their burgers used to be excellent but now they use too much lettuce (I ordered it without), WAY TOO MUCH mayo, and act like the special sauce is worth it's weight in gold and comes out of their paycheck. I always ordered no lettuce, no mayo and LOT of the special sauce and would always end up with a dry burger, with maybe a thimble full of sauce. They should take a lesson from Johnnies and their hickory sauce. If it's good, put plenty of it on there.
    this is the biggest issue with braums. there are some that are really really great and others that just aren't good at all, and very few in between... it's all the same food, so it has to come down to the store managers

  22. Default Re: Braum's

    I shop at Braum's weekly but the one on 39th and Penn is problematic. They have a huge homeless population. They are always hitting me up for money. I have nothing against them, just don't like being harassed.

  23. #1573

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    I shop at Braum's weekly but the one on 39th and Penn is problematic. They have a huge homeless population. They are always hitting me up for money. I have nothing against them, just don't like being harassed.
    I'm not sure why but their milkshakes are always the perfect consistency. I can't stand when they are so thick that you can't drink through the straw. I frequent this one for that reason but I usually just do the drive through because of the problem you mentioned. I have noticed many times they will have an off duty police officer posted up in the dining area.

    I also have had good experiences with the location near 63rd/May.

  24. #1574

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    I shop at Braum's weekly but the one on 39th and Penn is problematic. They have a huge homeless population. They are always hitting me up for money. I have nothing against them, just don't like being harassed.
    This is the one I shop at the most, it is the closest to my home. The only problem I have had on a regular basis is their manager. Last time I went in to get a burger and just sit and eat, the manager was talking to someone that was clearly a love interest. Everyone was super busy and he just looked at me and said, we will be right with you. Did not even move from the spot he was at. Everyone else was busting there butts to make things and get it out. It took 10 minutes of standing before I left. I will only go through that drive thru now.

    My favorite one has always been the one on N. MacArthur and Memorial. I have yet to have a bad experience there. I am not over there as often, but when I do find myself on that side of town I love going there.

  25. #1575

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by corwin1968 View Post
    The Braums on N. May, near Quail Creek is AWFUL for breakfast. The new'ish one at NW 150th & May is consistently excellent for breakfast.

    I no longer do lunch or dinner at Braums. Their burgers used to be excellent but now they use too much lettuce (I ordered it without), WAY TOO MUCH mayo, and act like the special sauce is worth it's weight in gold and comes out of their paycheck. I always ordered no lettuce, no mayo and LOT of the special sauce and would always end up with a dry burger, with maybe a thimble full of sauce. They should take a lesson from Johnnies and their hickory sauce. If it's good, put plenty of it on there.
    Sometimes I'm sure it's just the person preparing the order. We met a friend last night at the May store off of 122nd. There was enough special sauce that had dripped out of our burgers to make another one each.

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