Originally Posted by
Dob Hooligan
It’s illegal for them to camp on City property or right of way. I am not trying to be smart aleck by making that direct statement. There is plenty of land in any area of the City that they can squat in.
30 feet outside of my building we cleared out a military veteran who had set up a 400 square foot camp. He went 5 feet inside the edge of the trees and cleared out his space, using green and black tarps and trash can liners as walls. This made it hard to identify from any distance. He good wind protection and had made some areas covered from rain. He kept coolers, solar chargers, bicycles, carts, tables and chairs in his camp. We gave him a couple months heads up that we were cutting down his area. He moved to a space closer to the Linwood area IIRC.
The only positive from letting them camp in public spaces is to make ourselves feel guilty for their situation.