We could really use your help with the financial costs of running this site. Many may not know this, but it costs well over $200 a month to run this site.....This is money that's mostly coming out of Todd's own pocket. I know there are many of you that post on this site frequently, but haven't stepped up the the plate to become a Premium Member. Now is the time! Show us how important this site is to you. If you're able to donate, please help defray some of the costs of running this forum. We could really use your help. We can't keep this site running without your help.

For more information, please click on the following link:


If you're unable to give the amount required to become a Premium Subscriber, but would still like to donate, every donation helps. Send Todd a PM if you're wanting to donate less than the suggested amount.

If you're unable to make any donation at this time, we completely understand. This is a free site and always will be.

P.S. Todd didn't ask me to do this....but, I also don't think it's fair for him to have to contribute so much of his own personal money every month to keep this site running, when we're really the ones that use it and benefit from it.

Also, your donations are needed especially for extra expenses like advertising this site to try to attract more users. The more users we have, the more of an impact we make on our city.

Thanks in advance for your help.