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Thread: Classen Heights (NW 10th and Classen)

  1. #1

    Classen Thrive

    5-story senior complex planned for key Classen block

    The Oklahoma City Housing Authority (OCHA) is teaming with a Wisconsin company to develop affordable senior housing and healthcare on a prime intersection near downtown.

    Commonwealth Development Corporation and OCHA have partnered to place a purchase contract on the entire block bounded by NW 10th, Classen Boulevard, West Park Place and Western Avenue.

    Plans call for 176 units of affordable independent senior living and 140 adjacent assisted living center on approximately 2 acres.

    The facility would replace the senior living units at The Towers Apartments at NW 9th and Robinson, which OCHA also manages. It has been determined that that facility requires more renovation cost than could be justified.

    Towers Apartments

    The two organizations also bid to place a similar complex on city-owned land at NW 4th and Shartel but lost out to another project led by Ron Bradshaw called 700 West.

    Commonwealth is nearing completion of another senior housing project, Dunbar Commons, the redevelopment of the old Dunbar school on the city's northeast side into independent living units.

    The proposed facility has been named THRIVE on 10th Senior Campus and low-income seniors would be the focus; rates will be determined by income.

    Total development costs are projected to be $60 million and would be funded with private activity bonds issued by the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency.

    The rezoning application notes the location would provide many advantages for seniors, such as proximity to cultural attractions and public transportation.

    Although there will be two separate facilities, they will share a ground-floor podium to include parking, common space for each building including a lobby, kitchen, dining facility and some leasable commercial space. The complex would be 5 levels in total.

    There are several buildings on the site that would be demolished, most notably a brick and tile structure constructed in 1929 on the corner of Classen and 10th.

    The land for the senior complex is currently owned by Far Wespen, an East Coast developer which owns property to the immediate south and has also bid to redevelop the old headquarters for Oklahoma City Public Schools. The district is seeking to sell the property and Far Wespen is one of three proposals now being considered.

    The Downtown Design Review Committee will consider the plans for THRIVE at a September 19th meeting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Thrive

    In before someone bashes this as a bad use of space, using it for seniors.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Thrive

    They should definitely build it around the building on the corner but we all know, despite any level of protest, they aren’t going to do that. Here’s to one more cool old building for the wrecking ball.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Thrive

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    They should definitely build it around the building on the corner but we all know, despite any level of protest, they aren’t going to do that. Here’s to one more cool old building for the wrecking ball.
    When I originally talked to them about this a few months ago, the plan was to keep that one cool corner building and work around that.

    That seems to have changed now.

  5. Default Re: Thrive

    Awesome. There is a huge demand for senior type housing in this city (not nursing homes)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Thrive

    What will become of the 9th and Robinson property? That's a prime location, and right on the streetcar route.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Thrive

    So is this development the same senior housing project as on the upper left of this rendering?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Thrive

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    So is this development the same senior housing project as on the upper left of this rendering?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Thrive

    Will this new complex have the same number of units or more? Rather, will the number of affordable units stay the same? Will the residents of the current facility be able to move over 1 for 1 without rents going up, or will they be displaced?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Thrive

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    Will this new complex have the same number of units or more? Rather, will the number of affordable units stay the same? Will the residents of the current facility be able to move over 1 for 1 without rents going up, or will they be displaced?
    I believe this will have slightly more units and that all the current residents will move at the same rates.

    The assisted living facility also means that as needed, people can move from one part of the complex to the other and still keep the relationships with other tenants.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Thrive

    It also creates a good opportunity to repurpose the building or just the lot at 9th & Robinson.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Thrive


  13. #13
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Thrive

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    They should definitely build it around the building on the corner but we all know, despite any level of protest, they aren’t going to do that. Here’s to one more cool old building for the wrecking ball.
    This. It would be easy save and they should do it. Otherwise, looks good.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Thrive

    According to https://twitter.com/OKC_SPAN/status/1174697321432539138 (plus the next ten tweets in the thread) the recommendation to rezone the lot for this was passed by the Downtown Design Review Committee this morning.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Thrive

    Design plans going for approval next month.

  16. #16
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Thrive

    Will the “facade saving” be as good as the “rebuilding” of the car wash in Deep Deuce?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Thrive

    I don't know how I never noticed where this thread was as it was right by my house.
    I (not very seriously) looked into that building on 10th and Classen as a potential cidery a while ago when there was all that other development planned for Classen.
    It will be great to have those buildings on 10th and Western gone though they are a blight with tons of uhh, urban campfire damage.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Thrive

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Will the “facade saving” be as good as the “rebuilding” of the car wash in Deep Deuce?
    Lol. "We reused a few of the bricks"

  19. #19

    Default Re: Thrive

    It would be nice if they incorporated the facade at NW 10 and Classen into this, but not a huge deal. No matter what, getting this block's current mix of vacant/abandoned/burned out building stock replaced is a huge win. This is a critical connection between Midtown on one side and Metro Park/Classen-Ten-Penn on the other. While I am a fan of this development, it would be even better if they could figure out some way to use this development to get Classen reduced from 6 through lanes to 4 between about NW 16 and Sheridan! I know there's a lot of pedestrian activity around the current OCHA facility at NW 10 and Robinson, so maybe there's a chance...
    Last edited by riflesforwatie; 07-17-2020 at 12:57 PM. Reason: Mistyped OCHA

  20. #20

    Default Re: Thrive

    re read the posting they are including the facade of the building at the intersection of 10th and clasesen shown on the elevation drawings also

  21. #21

    Default Re: Thrive

    A pretty rough-looking house just north of this development at 1013 W Park Pl is getting what appears to be a substantial renovation. The house in question is owned by Far Wespen, like the block to the south on which Thrive is to be built. Far Wespen also has all the land between Classen and Western down to NW 9, as well as several of the lots between Park and NW 12, including one additional house -- everything else is vacant/empty. Far Wespen wasn't selected for the redevelopment of the old OKC Public Schools headquarters so any ideas about what their plans are for the rest of the area?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Thrive

    This project is moving forward.

    Seeking approval to demolish the structures and get final certification on the new build.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Thrive

    For all we've been through the last few months, it sure feels like there is momentum again for downtown.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Thrive

    Boulevard Place is also seeking final approval and that should start soon.

    Hopefully the same for the project at 4th & EKG.

    Those, along with BancFirst and First National -- not to mention the thousands of state employees moving into the old SandRidge Tower -- downtown has a lot going on. That's not even considering the new Omni and convention center will soon be opening.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Thrive

    Building permit applications were just filed for this project.

    They still plan to keep the facades of the older structures on the corner of NW 10th & Classen (the rest of the structures will be completely razed) and the design and layout will remain as previously posted.

    The rendering is looking north.

    Should be starting soon. To keep track, that means this project, 700 West, Boulevard Place and Alley's End should soon be all under construction.

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