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Thread: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

  1. #1

    Default When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    One way to spot an OKC old-timer is they still refer to Northwest Expressway as "NW Highway." However, it's been Expressway as long as I can remember (I moved here in 1998 the first time). Did the entire stretch used to be called NW Highway and if so, when did it change and was there any particular reason for the change? Not that it matters, it's just something I'm curious about.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    bchris02, I have lived here all my life, and have driven since 1986, I have heard it called both over the years with a 50/50 mix. I don't know what it's "official" name is, but I think locals all know and refer to it as both based on my experience.

  3. Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    As long as I can remember (lived in the area since '79) both names have been used interchangeably. It's officially State Highway 3, so maybe that's why NW Highway was used a lot. NW Expressway seems to be more popular lately. Maybe that name is just a city or county designation?

  4. #4

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    I believe the Official name for the street from per the city of OKC signs is the NW Expressway. As far as I know it has never officially been called the NW Highway, although I do hear people refer to it as such quite often. Doesn't Dallas have a "NW Highway"? Perhaps some shared terminology from our friends to the south?

  5. #5

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    I’m sure some “older timers” than me will chime in, but I was born here in ‘62 and grew up in Warr Acres. It was always known to me as NW Highway, but heard it called expressway as a lot as a youngster as well. Back then, Macarthur and NW Highway was a 2 lane north/south and 4 lane east/west intersection with only stop signs, surrounded by open fields. ( anyone remember the fireworks stands that used to be on the nw corner?) These days, due to all the traffic, I’ve heard it refered to as NW No way.

  6. #6

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    Well, as one of those "older timers", I have driven on that road since 1969, not counting 1964-1966 when I was dating my wife. She was a nursing student at Baptist hospital. It was officially named Northwest Highway until sometime in the mid to late 70's. I worked for Hertz at Lincoln Plaza and I also had responsibilities at Hertz on the Northwest Highway/Expressway and Macarthur and I went there several times a week. During that time it was changed to Expressway. I will search the DOK archives to see if I can find the date when it changed names.
    C. T.

  7. #7

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    I’m sure some “older timers” than me will chime in, but I was born here in ‘62 and grew up in Warr Acres. It was always known to me as NW Highway, but heard it called expressway as a lot as a youngster as well. Back then, Macarthur and NW Highway was a 2 lane north/south and 4 lane east/west intersection with only stop signs, surrounded by open fields. ( anyone remember the fireworks stands that used to be on the nw corner?) These days, due to all the traffic, I’ve heard it refered to as NW No way.
    I well remember the NW Expressway/Highway and MacArthur intersection and the fireworks stand on the NW corner. We would walk through that intersection coming home from Hefner Jr. High when we didn't feel like taking the bus. That was 1969/71. We would walk through the field on the SE corner, through the side streets of Cherokee Hills up towards NW 63rd street. A long walk but we were young then. I think we were young, once......

    Speaking of traffic, we gave up the traffic of the Portland, Oregon, area to come to the high desert of NE Oregon where the only impediment to travel is when a large deer herd crosses the road! I can live with that!

  8. #8

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    I beat you by some 32 years, having "driven" on the road back in 1937, when it was still under construction and not yet paved. Being only 6 at the time, I actually was sitting on my father's lap and holding the wheel, while he continued to control the car via the foot pedals (such idiotic actions were commonplace in those years, I fear). We were en route from Elk City to OKC, and US 66 was being three-laned between Yukon and El Reno, necessitating the detour north on US 81 to reach NW Hiway, thence to May Avenue and back down to the city limits (at the time, Portland on the west and possibly NW 50 on the north!)...
    Last edited by Jim Kyle; 04-25-2018 at 08:50 AM. Reason: To fix typo

  9. #9
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    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    One thing I do know though, is there is nothing "express" or "highway" about it anymore!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    The NW Highway Drive in movie theater was on the corner of NW Hwy and Independence until the mid 1970's

  11. #11

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    And another drive-in theater just to the East of the Hertz Data Center. I've forgotten the name of it but it was where the strip center is now, that used to have Chili's and currently a Hideaway Pizza. I believe it is called Market Place. Also, a correction to the timetable, I am guessing about the mid to late 70's, it could have been earlier but old habits die hard, a lot of people called it Northwest Highway long after the name change. I was kind of a stickler about things like that and corrected my late wife many times.
    Jim, you definitely have me beat (I was born in 1943, so you have 12 years on me), but I did drive on it in the late 50's and my mother took us over there in the early to mid 50's.
    C. T.

  12. #12

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    When I said "older timers, it was meant with the deepest respect for you with the historic knowledge, But you sirs, C.T. and Jim Kyle were the first guys to come to mind when I wrote that. Thank you for sharing.

    C.T., Cinema 70 was the name of the drive-in next to Hertz by the way.

    Jim, I did the same thing with my kids, and y dad with me so you're not alone

  13. #13

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    When I said "older timers, it was meant with the deepest respect for you with the historic knowledge, But you sirs, C.T. and Jim Kyle were the first guys to come to mind when I wrote that. Thank you for sharing.

    C.T., Cinema 70 was the name of the drive-in next to Hertz by the way.

    Jim, I did the same thing with my kids, and y dad with me so you're not alone
    No offense taken, I was just agreeing that I'm an old man. Better an old man than a dead one!
    Thanks, I just couldn't remember "Cinema 70" and I still don't but my sons went to work with me when I was called for a problem and they loved sitting in the ladies restroom and watching the movies (no sound of course).
    C. T.

  14. #14

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    I still think of it as NW Expressway because of this place. (I started driving in '75)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	OKC NW Highway Early pic.jpg 
Views:	220 
Size:	1.98 MB 
ID:	14726

    Just for the record, this photo, which has seen some distribution on facebook came from the son of Thomas Sorey, who was the designing architect of the theatre.

  15. #15

    Default Re: When did NW Highway become Northwest Expressway?

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    Just for the record, this photo, which has seen some distribution on facebook came from the son of Thomas Sorey, who was the designing architect of the theatre.
    Now that brings back memories! I personally knew Tom Sorey, the architect, as a fellow member of the Oklahoma Camera Club (I was the youngest member at the time, still being in high school). I suspect that Tom himself may have taken this photo!

    To me, it will always be NW Highway. An expressway should have much more limited access; this road has far too many driveways opening directly on the traffic lanes to quality.

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