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Thread: Duran Duran

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  1. #1
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Duran Duran

    Ok, guys, I don't know how many Duran Duran fans we got on this site , (I know my wife is a die hard Duran Duran fan). But they are back together again after 20 some years and put out the 'Astronaut' album that came out not that long ago. How many other people bought the album and is excited that they got back together?

  2. #2
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Talking Re: Duran Duran

    Whoooo Hoooo Is all I can say!!!!About dang time.Im an 80's and 90's lover always have been always will be I love def Leppard and Motley Crue and a million others as well but Duran2 was my teen crush hearthrob boys!


  3. Default Re: Duran Duran

    I am a Duran Duran fan, although I am only 26 years old. I haven't bought the new album yet, but I haven't heard any of the music yet from the new album. I did, however, buy the digitally remastered version of the Rio album, released in 1982. Sounds awesome on a good sound system for those who are audio enthusiasts, and even sounds awesome on my workstation PC, which has a SB Audigy 2 sound card.

  4. Default Re: Duran Duran

    They've come up with such memorable stuff over the years. They did the title to one of my favorite Bond movies, A View to a Kill. Their MTV videos (back when MTV was about videos ) I saw all the time -- The Reflex, Hungry Like a Wolf. But my favorite singles were from the the reformulated group in the 90s -- Come Undone, Ordinary World, Too Much Information.

  5. #5
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Duran Duran

    They have been playing one of the new songs from the album on the radio, mainly KISS FM 98.9. Its called "Reach for the Sunrise" , I believe, I think Darling Diva would probrably have to correct me on that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Duran Duran

    I love that Reach up for the Sunrise song. I downloaded it off of iTunes.

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