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Thread: Okiekatt

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  1. #1

    Default Okiekatt

    Hey Katt why you trying to argue about the most hated officer in Guthrie. He is an ass and noone from the county, city nor the highway patrol in Logan County likes nor trusts him. That is pretty said when your brothers dont trust your dealings and believe you are not fair to the public. I believe in the laws but I also believe that you need to understand as an officer that we have discretion. I mean jesus giving the street sweeper a ticket for going down the wrong way to clean the streets at 3am. I dont know of any street sweeper that doesnt do that. Thats one of the many reasons that they come out so late at night. He has given ridiculous citations (most of which were dropped) to off duty officers in uniform for speeding and for no insurance. One instance in particular he refused to let the uniformed deputy in his personal vehicle get his insurance verification out of the glove box. He then wrote him a citation for it and then lied about it. Well I guess he forgot to erase his VCR tape because it showed the truth and the deputy got the ticket off. I can honestly say he is the most un couth cop I have ever known and I have been doing this for almost 15 yrs. I dont understand why Guthrie still employs him.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    This is the same cop or so I am told , that had some kids on tape doing a burnout...well that's what he claimed anyway. When asked about the tape someone pointed out "Where is the car, all I see is smoke?"

  3. #3

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    I've heard some of the same stuff, I wasn't giving defending him as much as I was giving you a hard time. Sorry it came off that way. I'll go delete it, I do not want to be seen as defending that guy.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    When you say something you should stand by it instead of delelting it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    It was a joke that was mis interupted, after reading it, I could see how it was. Why wouldn't I delete it then? We all make mistakes

  6. #6

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    You just admitted to a mistake? WOW! Maybe there is hope for the kitten.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Okiekatt


    How about a clue whom you are talking about?

    No reason, just curious.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    Well I was told not to be using peoples names on here. We had a pretty large discussion on another topic and the moderator edited the posting and then closed it because we used the names of the people we were talking about. My O' My what a tragedy to call someone out who is wronging a community as a whole. I guess you could send a PM and I could answer it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    I will say this..If you know much about law enforcement in Guthrie, you already know who I am talking about. He has the public as well as his own officers talking about his actions on a day to day basis. I will give him this........I have heard he is starting to calm down a little bit and use better judgement in his decisions.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    It is my understanding (from 2 other officers) that a ticket was not given. Only instructions to be careful while making U-turns at a hazardous location.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    If Dex wants to give out tickets to those who break the law what is the problem?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Okiekatt

    Not talking Dex he is a good officer.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Okiekatt


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