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Thread: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

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  1. Default Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    This is a very dark and disturbing film....beautifully shot and the special effects are wonderful.. but don't take the young kiddos to see this fairy tale. Very sinister. But definitely worth seeing. My son, (13) watched it with me..apparently listened to the score, came home and played it on his guitar and violin.. that just amazes me. Mercedes Lullaby.. hauntingly beautiful. It's on Itunes.. he bought it for his Ipod. This is my rocker kid.. go figure.

    The Last Mimsy is a ridiculous waste of time. ET wanna be, didn't even come close. The little kids couldn't sit still through it. The kids behind us, due to sheer boredom, kicked our seats through the whole movie. The rest of the entire packed theater played with their popcorn and candy wrappers. Not a pleasant experience at all.

    Reno 911 Miami - Funny but too over the top with all the sexual inuendos.. the funniest part of the movie was the first 5 minutes.. then it went downhill from there.

    I thought Blood Diamond was excellent.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Someone's been busy this week...

  3. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Spring Break!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Second recommendation for Pan's Labyrinth.. what a beautiful film .. very moving. Beautiful cinematography..

    jbrown.. did you see it? What did you think?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Pans was freaking awesome. I loved it so much I bought the import before the us ever saw it. On a side note I had subs

    Blood Diamond was ok.

    I recently saw Alpha Dog and that was a very good movie imo.

  6. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Alpha Dog was such a trippy movie.. very sad.

    What about Apocalypto ? .. that film was so disturbing to me. I'm still trying to figure it out. There was so much tragedy.. I don't think I really cared for it.

    I loved 'As Far as My Feet will Carry Me'. That was s beautiful film.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    I have yet to see Pan's Labrynth. I hope to check it out soon.

    Just watched Blood Diamond the other night, and although it was pretty slow the first half, I think it was a worthy effort and I liked it much better by the end. DiCaprio's accent isn't as bad as it sounded in the trailers.

    Apocalypto was very bloody, but very well done. I didn't get completely immersed in the story, but the production values are amazing.

    I also recently saw The Invisible, which is a great film that is nothing like what the trailers and commercials show. It's not a mystery. It's like an "emo" movie, haha.

    And Pirates 3 was superb.

  8. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Did you get a chance to see 'As Far as My Feet will Carry Me? '

    Don't let the subtitles scare you, it is shot reminiscent of the times... Hitler era... I found it to be such a moving, powerful film.

    On the other spectrum, we are going to watch Hannibal Rising.. not sure how that will be.

    And I LOVED Pirates 3 as well ..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    I've never heard of it. And that's very unusual for me.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    I've had to watch three chick flicks in a row since my wife thought it would be funny to move them all to the top of the queue

    Watched freakin Catch and Release with Jennifer Garner last night....The horror!!

  11. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    I never had either but I saw it at Hollywood Video and decided to take a chance .. it's a true story.

    I hope you can watch it. Let me know what you think... it really touched me.....
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Haha, you gotta change the password on her, Easy.

  13. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    As prisoner of war Clemens Forell, a German soldier during WW II, is sentenced to a labour camp in far east Siberia. After four years working in the mines he escapes from the camp (in 1949) and tries to get home to his wife and children. For three years he journeys through Siberia. An odyssey of 14,000 kilometers, set against a backdrop of desolate and inhospitable landscape, beset by danger (from both animals and humans). Constantly battling the worst nature can throw at him, Forell makes his way, step by step towards Persia and the longed-for freedom. Sometimes riding on trains, sometimes by boat, mostly on foot, he never knows if his next step won't be his last. His prosecutor Kamenev is always right behind him, and more than once it seems that Forell is captured again...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Catch and Release?? LOL !

    Go with my Siberian Prison flick.....I highly recommend it.. and it's not a chick flick ( well, even the guys teared up so maybe it is?)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Look at what she did!!!!!

    Movie Title Star Rating MPAA Genre Shipped Est. Arrival

    1 Because I Said So
    PG-13 Comedy 05/29/07 05/30/07

    2 Catch and Release
    PG-13 Drama 05/29/07 05/30/07

    3 Music and Lyrics
    PG-13 Comedy 05/18/07 05/19/07

  16. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    What ever did you do wrong?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Don't know karried...Especially since I was recently voted Husband of the Year by a celebrity panel

    Guess that trophy on the mantel means nothing to her

  18. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    Did you forget a major anniversary, gave an appliance for her birthday?

    Insult your mother-in-law... 2 week hunting/camping trip with the guys?

    Wait a minute, I just looked at the list again ...

    Bachelor Party
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  19. Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    You guys want to see greatness in action? Go rent The Hunt. It was filmed here in Oklahoma. The movie REALLY stinks, but I'm in it (hence the greatness). You'll have to be quick with the pause button, but you can see me.

    Hey...At least I'm in the credits, unlike those jerks that filmed The Rookie. I got totally stiffed on my participation in that movie.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pan's Labyrinth & Others

    OK, saw Pan's Labyrinth on cable- after having seen it recently reviewed as a "fairy tale" similar to Lord of the Rings, which made me hesitant. It was a disturbing but great film. But, as others have said, not something for the young kids to watch.

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