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  1. #1

    Default Other City Talk

    Does anyone know of other web sites that are similar to "Okc Talk"?

    Not just the forum list but with the in depth pictures too.

  2. Default Re: Other City Talk


    But I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Other City Talk

    Oh, what the heck.....there's a state-wide site at okmet.org. They're pretty nice folks....shane and spartan are the big guys over there, and the site is run by Mr. Eccles. I'd say they're our "sister site."

    Tulsa also has a site at tulsanow.org. It's run by a non-profit in Tulsa.

  4. Default Re: Other City Talk

    I'd avoided posting this (to avoid rancor), but since you did, Patrick, the link to OkMetropolis is Home - Oklahoma Metropolii , the front door.

    In my opinion, both OkcTalk and that site have much to offer and do so on a very regular basis. While they are often very similar, there are almost always nuances that are different. And that's all to the good!

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Other City Talk

    We don't mind mentioning the other site, it was just the PM's sent by some of their admins stating something to the effect that Todd was money hungry, and go to their site as an alternative. I think we've resolved the past issues though.

    That being said, we've outgrown our server, and may have to go to a larger server.....we may need some help financially to do so. Things cost money, and free servers only allow you to grow so far. But, we haven't decided how we're going to come up with the money yet to switch to a larger, faster server. And it won't involve going back to the old system we had before. We've discussed possibly bringing the Nosebleed Section back though, and asking users to pay a minimal fee to join. That might raise our money to change servers.

  6. #6

    Talking Re: Other City Talk

    You are going to put my banner on the site and let me know the monthly cost.. That is how we are going to pay for the new server with our great business that want to advertise.. lol

    I will be the first to ante up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  7. Default Re: Other City Talk

    Well, just so that you'll know, if you DO have to increase your costs to defray expenses, Doug Dawg is one that stands ready to contribute! This forum was the 1st OKC forum that I became aware of (what ... 2 years ago?), and in/from which I've enjoyed participating since that time, and I'll do my share, maybe more, to make sure that it stays that way!

    As old-timers know, we've got a history! I'm keeping it!


  8. #8

    Default Re: Other City Talk

    Let me apologize for not being clear with my question.

    I am interested in other websites regarding other cities, Austin, Boston, Charlotte, Portland, Seattle, etc., etc.

    I think that "Okc Talk" is a great site, with complete coverage and knowledge of Okc, along with pictures of all parts of Okc.

    I would like to see other cities websites, so that I could have some sort of reference.

    So does anyone know of websites (of other cities) that have the great information and pictures that we have here at "Okc Talk"?


  9. Default Re: Other City Talk

    You might Google the city name followed by Talk Forum or Message Board or City Forum .

    Example here is Austin's...

    Austin - City-Data Forum: Relocation, Moving, Local City Discussions
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. #10

    Default Re: Other City Talk

    Thanks Karrie

    I have tried the Google search and all that I find are very generic websites, much like that on City-Data or MSN City Guides. I do believe that "Okc Talk" is one of a kind.

  11. Default Re: Other City Talk

    I believe we've set up what is a good resource for anyone interested in OKC/Tulsa development at the main page of okmet.org where you can find descriptions and renderings and links to discussion threads of all projects with just a few clicks.

    Other city sites:







    These two are global urban discussion sites. You can find Oklahoma in the Midwest/Plains section of skyscrapercity and in the Texas/Southcentral section of skyscraperpage. We can always use more representation from Okies to show the world what we've got going on.



  12. Default Re: Other City Talk

    urbanplanet.org is a good site that covers every city/area in the world. There is a real inconsistency as far as the activity for the different cities. For example the Oklahoma forum is dead, where as Little Rock is hopping and if I remember right Alabama had one of the most active forums--moreso than Texas. I think it may have to do with those smaller cities not having any sites of their own like OKCTalk.

  13. Default Re: Other City Talk

    I have developed semi-personal relationships with other admins of city forums over the eons. Most notably with the Powercat who runs the KC Skyscrapers forum, Ingersol (that's his last name, I don't know if I'm supposed to share his first name) who runs the Des Moines forum, and John Roberts who runs The Fort Worth Forum. John Roberts was actually a great help after my own forum was hacked, convincing me of the need to buddy up with Matt (who is excellent in compensating for my lack of tech skills) and move on with my life, and my forums.

    I haven't been on SSP and SSC for a while, and I try my absolute, most absolute that is, to not support to SSP and Urban Planet forums because of some unfriendly elements. I dislike how I've been treated by an admin at UP who got rid of me to use my username and also with certain Texan members at SSP who I can't stand.

    These elements aside, if you can accept minor bruisings when you try and boost OKC on other websites that provide specific forums just for out-of-towners, you'll do just fine. I would much rather support the smaller and more city-specific sites because almost always, as a fellow admin, I find the people behind the scenes at running those to be very personable, and willing to form alliances of sorts. And just an overall willingness to talk about stuff.

    So my endorsement lies with the sites like KC Skyscrapers, AbsoluteDSM, and The Fort Worth Forum.

    For the record, Okclee is not a web agent of mine and I didn't even know this thread was created until I saw it while I was browsing the forums here. As you can see I'm also a patron of these forums here, even though I haven't been able to talk to Patrick lately, and although I wasn't able to make brunch due to some medical difficulties in the family.

  14. Default Re: Other City Talk

    I have stopped going to UrbanPlanet as well, Spartan. Between the Oklahoma forum being dead and the ridiculous TOS, I just gave up.

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