I am actually surprised no one has started a thread on her.
As I am sure most are aware of by now, Anna Nicole Smith died earlier this week, and the whole coverage is now a circus.
What do you think killed her? What did you think of her?
I am actually surprised no one has started a thread on her.
As I am sure most are aware of by now, Anna Nicole Smith died earlier this week, and the whole coverage is now a circus.
What do you think killed her? What did you think of her?
DO-- Drug Overdose
Don't really respect this woman... She died and all the news did was focus on her for the day... Why???
Did anyone else notice Adam Quitugua Emul died last week in Iraq? This makes the second kid from Saipan (Northern Marianas) to die in the past week in that mess.
I'm actually more concerned about the other 3,112 cold bodies coming back from Iraq.
Now...who was this boob girl again with the multiple sex partners?
Great culture, ain't it?
Funny how everyone wants to focus on the negative, not the positive. Ironic huh? Let's not talk about all the good things that are happening in Iraq. All the lives that were saved that might have been killed by Saddam, etc. Yes innocent lives are killed everyday due to the insurgent violence and we can not ignore that. But there has been a ton of good news coming out of Iraq but the blood thirsty people of America want to hear about the death and destruction. No one wants to hear about the 100,000+ people that survived so far in Iraq. Compare the casualty numbers of Iraq to Vietnam, WWI, or WWII. I think our military has done an excellent job at keeping the numbers low. I agree it is sad every time another soldier dies, but it is war after all and every solidier knows that going into it. The majority of problems in Iraq are coming out of Baghdad, not the rest of the country. Why? Because the majority of the Shias (sp?), Sunni's and other sects live in their own parts of the country. They each have strong views against each other (thus "civil war" we hear about). Baghdad is the melting pot if you will of the country where all three sects come together and clash.
I didn't realize this thread was about comparing Anna Nicole Smith to anyone else, let alone dead US soldiers.
Lets not forget she was a mother, daughter and friend to many. Her death leaves an infant child motherless.
I fail to see how her life and/or death is any less tragic than anyone elses.
If you are going to point fingers about the extensive coverage of her death, then be sure and point those finger properly.
If the media felt the public didn't want the coverage then they would not provide it.
Trust me, overall the media has paid more attention to the dead coming out of Iraq than Anna Nicole.
While we can find much tragedy in her life and the decision she and others made for her, Anna Nicole is a cultural icon whose name and image will out live any of us.
Who's the dad???Lets not forget she was a mother, daughter and friend to many. Her death leaves an infant child motherless.
Yeah the media can make anyone look good... Ohh a culture Icon??? Yeah Playboy model-- Gold Digger-- Umm so what type of culture is this???
Like it or not she IS a cultural icon. Of course I suspect many of those throwing stones would be the first to jump into other topics with some version of "judge not least ye be judged." Hypocrits I say.
Personally, I would have made different decisions than she did, but nobody can say she didn't live - money, fame, name recognition. People have killed for less and many more would sell their soul.
If you'd stone someone so quickly for substance abuse and sexual activity then you'd best gather many more stones as you'll find these 'devils' all around you.
We are in a day and time that any body that is the limelight now has a drug problem and by most the of the replys it sounds like most of you are saying she deserved to die??
What about her 5 month old daughter? She is now a motherless child? Yes I feel for that child. However no one was debating that the soldiers that are dead are less important than Anna Nicole?
"You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White
No sure what you are saying with this statement - I do believe that COD will be a combination of drugs (including alcohol, the drug most people forget).
She was highly visible mostly due to her legal problems. I was/am saddened by the fact that all of her relationships seemed so shallow, with no strong support network to turn to when life got very hard.
Here is one I bet no one has thought about. AIDS.
Some weird homosexual who claims it was a friend of hers raked her over the coals on Fox News (Which I heard on satellite radio) by saying she had more men as overnight guests than Disney World has visitors in a day. (figurative). That is calling her a tramp (in lieu of another term). Therefore, that would mean she had sex with countless men. If that is true, I bet at least one had AIDS.
Just a theory. My guess is actually an infection caused by her recent illness. Thus making her cause of death natural.
Drugs- You got to love them...
Iraq-- Lets all thank the newly formed Iran Backed Goverment with US support... Umm we get rid of Sadam and give the ****te power and the ****tes are from Iran so it's one big party...
Lets all blame Trimspa... Mann they must have made millions off it...
mranderson, you have pushed a button. After every "suspicious " death of any celebrity there is always some ex-best friend of the gardeners bowling buddy with some gossip. They are looking for thier 15 minutes of fame, and the whatever network is looking for ratings, credibility be damned!
How can you may attention?
It's rather interesting how a chick w/ big boobs dying turned into an argument over Iraq. Can't we just be shallow and vain for a minute and talk about the less important issues? So now they're saying her dead ex husband may be the father, apparently they froze his sperm. How did he even produce sperm still when they were married? I agree with it probably beign a drug over dose. I wonder how this kid Dannielynn is going to turn out.... Paris Hilton? Except less money maybe.
I did'nt mean to sound and would never say that anyone deserves to die. (Except for rapists, murderers, etc.)
I do think that such media coverage making her death seem more important than yours, mine, our neighbors or the guy down the street just because she's a former playmate and can't talk straight in an interview is sad. And considering her an icon or someone to be remembered is sadder still.
I do feel really bad for her daughter and hope that she is able to have a normal life with people that truly love and care for her.
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