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Thread: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

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  1. #1
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    BREITBART.COM - Bangor Makes It Illegal to Smoke in Cars

    This article outlines one city has outlawed smoking in a vehicle when those under 18 are present. It would be a primary offence meaning that you can be pulled over for it rather than having to be pulled over for something else first.

    How do you feel about this? Should Oklahoma follow suit?

    My parents smoked while my siblings and I were in the car and I never experienced any negative effects other than disliking the smell. I'm not a smoker but I feel that while I believe smokers should have every right to their habit, they need to try to isolate any effects it could have on their children. Most smokers I know are very careful around their children when smoking, especially in the car, but I know not everyone is. Even so, I'm a little torn on the issue. More than likely the children are exposed to more smoking at home than they are in the car so what difference is this law going to make? Could it be a stepping stone to eliminating smoking everywhere, even in the home?

    In the grand scheme of things, will smoking cigarettes one day end up being illegal altogether? If not, why isn't marijuana legal? Not that I smoke either, but I've never understood why tobacco (and alcohol) is legal but pot isn't. My guess is that if marijuana growers had as big of a lobby in congress as tobacco it would be legal.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    I'm ok with it as long as they have the windows cracked sufficiently...Not sure if I'm ready for making it illegal, but would just hope the vast majority of humans with those brain things in their heads wouldn't smoke in a car with their children inside with all that we know now

  3. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    I hate smoking with a passion, however, I hate gov't intrusion even more.

    I would be against this. But of course I don't think gov't should tell a restaurant owner he has to go smoke free either.

    Personally, I avoid smoking at all cost. But that should be my personal decision and not 'da man's'

  4. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    I love the idea. Why should a baby/child be subjected to poisonous, dangerous second hand smoke? In an enclosed vehicle no less.

    If the parents are too stupid to realize that they are endangering their child by polluting the air they breathe, then yes, the government might have to step in.. just like the stupid parents who refused to buckle up their human projectiles until they ended up flying through windshields and dying .. babies sitting on parent's laps in the front seat.. now it's the law to buckle up.. thank God for the children saved.

    People who are who dense to figure it out need assistance or force if need be.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Why is it anyone's business whether a person smokes in their car with their kids inside?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Why is it anyone's business whether a person smokes in their car with their kids inside?
    Because it's not just a personal decision; it's a decision that impacts the future of the younger, powerless occupants.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by 111_Brad_Street View Post
    Because it's not just a personal decision; it's a decision that impacts the future of the younger, powerless occupants.
    So should the gov step in when we feed our kids to much fat in their diet,or if we let them have two sodas a day. Should the gov step in if we don't make our kids be active in sports and have to limit the time they watch TV ,ect ......... I think the gov has no place in this.

  8. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Then lets not stop there! If you've ever had a DUI then you shouldn't be allowed to have children passengers in your car. If you have the flu you shouldn't be allowed to have children and elderly in your car. If you have more than two traffic tickets, you're on a cell phone, have a lower than average IQ. Wait, I've got it - the gov't should install a device on every car and if it detects cigarette smoke, speeding, not using your blinkers, cell phone usage, etc. and a child is in the car, the engine shuts itself down and the horn starts blaring while over the stereo speakers you hear a voice shouting "shame on you, big brother knows best."


  9. #9

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Then lets not stop there! If you've ever had a DUI then you shouldn't be allowed to have children passengers in your car.
    That might be a decent deterrent, but that's hardly comparing apples to apples. For a fair comparison, the person would need to be in the process of driving drunk to be the same danger to the children as the person smoking in an enclosed vehicle.

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    If you have the flu you shouldn't be allowed to have children and elderly in your car.
    I think it would be difficult to argue that, except in very rare instances, that the flu has the same long term impact that smoking does. But again, common sense would tell most reasonable people that, (1) if you have the flu, you probably shouldn't be driving at all, and (2) if you have the flu, you probably shouldn't be subjecting others to your illness in fairness to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    If you have more than two traffic tickets, you're on a cell phone, have a lower than average IQ.
    If they pose an equal risk to the children, then so be it...

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Wait, I've got it - the gov't should install a device on every car and if it detects cigarette smoke, speeding, not using your blinkers, cell phone usage, etc. and a child is in the car, the engine shuts itself down and the horn starts blaring while over the stereo speakers you hear a voice shouting "shame on you, big brother knows best."
    Not a bad idea. I'm with Karrie... how can we sign you up?

  10. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    it's a decision that impacts the future of the younger, powerless occupants
    Wait a minute - isn't that the same arguement used by people who think anchor babies and children of illegals should get free health care, education, etc. while I have to work my ass off to provide the same to my children?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Wait a minute - isn't that the same arguement used by people who think anchor babies and children of illegals should get free health care, education, etc. while I have to work my ass off to provide the same to my children?
    Yes and yes.

  12. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Then lets not stop there! If you've ever had a DUI then you shouldn't be allowed to have children passengers in your car. If you have the flu you shouldn't be allowed to have children and elderly in your car. If you have more than two traffic tickets, you're on a cell phone, have a lower than average IQ. Wait, I've got it - the gov't should install a device on every car and if it detects cigarette smoke, speeding, not using your blinkers, cell phone usage, etc. and a child is in the car, the engine shuts itself down and the horn starts blaring while over the stereo speakers you hear a voice shouting "shame on you, big brother knows best."
    How can I get you elected?

    We're talking about cigarette smoke being inhaled by immature lungs in an enclosed car.

    Here's a scenario.. you and wifey dear split up.. she has custody and you really have no say in the matter..she decides it's time to party! With the kids in the car. You see her driving away.. knowing the windows are up and the lighter is out.. possibly she has had DUI's in the past..the kids are even in car seats or seatbelts, are you just going to wait until she kills the kids before thinking you have any recourse or say in the matter? Wouldn't it be nice to have some legal recourse? Someone other than you telling her she can't smoke with them in the car or endanger them in any way?

    If you honestly saw your children being subjected to dangerous conditions such as second hand smoke and past DUI's wouldn't you be worried?

    Yes, for those of us who can make decisions regarding the welfare of our children, fine, we don't need to be told what to do.. but there are some really idiotic parents out there who have no business having children in the first place. And if they can't get their limited neurons to click, they need a reminder.

    We are talking about proven dangerous levels of second hand smoke affecting babies' lungs here ... they didn't make a choice to smoke. The parents did.

    I don't think any parent has the right to force their kids to inhale cigarette smoke in an enclosed car.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    C'mon folks there are lots of things that are proven to be 'bad,' 'unhealthy' and 'a risk.' Do we really want our gov't dictating parenting to us?

    I'm not unreasonable (debatable) but we allow far worse every day. I would argue MTV has had a more negative effect on our youth than second hand car smoke and I don't see any of you rallying to have them banned.

    Find me one credible (that's my out) study that says second hand smoke IN A CAR has actually ever had a significant health risk to a child and I will conceed.

    I would imagine those same smokers are puffing away at home too. So, would you outlaw smoking in homes with children too? My god folks - next you'll send in the cops to confiscate my fatty snacks!

    As for my election - The first meeting will be an outdoor event. Be sure and wear khaki and to show your support hold one hand up high and instead of campaign buttons I am passing out armbands with my initials on them, "SS." See you at the rally.

  14. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    next you'll send in the cops to confiscate my fatty snacks!
    Actually that is in the works in New York.. but I want to clarify something.. what you do to yourself is your business ( even though studies have been done to show how the rest of us are affected by rising health care costs etc etc ) but that, in my opinion is up to you how to decide to live your life. In fact, please pass the Doritos my way.. lol

    My problem is subjecting a child who doesn't have a choice in the matter - the child is being adversely affected my a smoking parent.

    Like smoking crack while pregnant.. baby didn't ask to be poisoned.. should the government just let mom smoke her crack pipe in peace?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. #15

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    C'mon folks there are lots of things that are proven to be 'bad,' 'unhealthy' and 'a risk.' Do we really want our gov't dictating parenting to us?
    When people cannot make reasonable decisions when it comes to the well-being of a child, yes. The government already dictates standards of parenting when it comes to neglect and abuse. Exposing a child to proven harmful effects is tantamount to neglect and abuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I would argue MTV has had a more negative effect on our youth than second hand car smoke and I don't see any of you rallying to have them banned.
    You can argue it, but that doesn't make it any more valid. There is a mountain of evidence and documentation about the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. Can you cite an equally compelling body of evidence about the harmful effects of MTV?

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Find me one credible (that's my out) study that says second hand smoke IN A CAR has actually ever had a significant health risk to a child and I will conceed.
    Once you present one credible (that's my out) study that proves MTV has had a more negative effect on our youth than second hand car smoke, then I'll point you to the studies that demonstrate second hand smoke in a confined space has a significant health risk to a child. As far as you conceding, I don't think any amount of overwhelming evidence and facts will persuade you from budging.

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I would imagine those same smokers are puffing away at home too.
    And that's truly unfortunate and very selfish of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    As for my election - The first meeting will be an outdoor event. Be sure and wear khaki and to show your support hold one hand up high and instead of campaign buttons I am passing out armbands with my initials on them, "SS." See you at the rally.
    Oh, so you're a neo-con?

  16. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    I can really see your point BailJumper... I don't like anyone telling me what to do either... It is sad that people have screwed it up for those of us who do try to protect our children. I think in this instance, if the parent can't make the right choice and at least wait until they get home to have a cigarette, then yes, the law should be instituted to prevent them from smoking in the close confines of a vehicle.

    Smoking in a home is a little different in that there is a little more space and ventilation hopefully and if the child is old enough, they can leave the room to breathe.

    Trapped and buckled in a car seat and being forced to breathe poisonous fumes is so unfair to kids who don't have a choice.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  17. #17

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Should society do nothing if someone places a child's welfare, health and/or life at risk? Should society do nothing when a parent's willful disregard for their child's well-being puts that child at risk?

    It's true that the things you listed can be detrimental to a child's health, but have any of those factors been demonstrated (with decades of documentation, research and evidence) to be harmful to the degree that second-hand smoke is?

    Our rights end at the point those rights infringe on another's rights to live and breathe.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Don't get me wrong I think it is wrong to smoke with kids around, but I don't think tha the gov should step in!! The gov already has to many fingers in the pie as it is. When should we draw the line? Should we keep letting the gov make the all of our choices for us? Pretty soon we will be getting e-mails from the gov every morning to tell us what to do for the day.......

  19. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    I think welfare parents with no college education that put no importance on their kids getting a good education are very detrimental to those youth - LOCK'EM UP I SAY!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I think welfare parents with no college education that put no importance on their kids getting a good education are very detrimental to those youth - LOCK'EM UP I SAY!
    What does that have to do with this thread?????

  21. #21

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I think welfare parents with no college education that put no importance on their kids getting a good education are very detrimental to those youth - LOCK'EM UP I SAY!
    So everyone that smokes is on welfare and has no college education. Like i said what does this have to do with this thread?????

  22. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Everything! At the essence of this thread is that if someone else is not parenting the way you think is healthy, wise or in the best interest of someone else then the gov't should step in.

    I have yet to see a single study produced by anyone that says 2nd hand smoke in a car is going to have a negative effect on a child's health.

    Is 2nd hand smoke in general bad? Sure. Does riding in a car on occassion with a smoker really going to harm a child? Show me the proof.

    Certainly not a study that says smoke in the car is more negative than the 2 liters of pop a day some parents feed to their kids. But, I guess that is next on your list.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Still waiting, BailJumper, for that study about MTV being more harmful than second-hand smoke...

  24. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    Obviously, we should be concerned about what YOU are smoking.

    I never said what you said that I said.

  25. Default Re: Making it illegal to smoke in cars with children

    So... were you equally outraged and incensed when it became illegal to beat the crap out of young children - when welts, bruises and sometimes broken bones were just 'disciplining a child'.

    Parents felt justified inflicting harm just because they were 'property' to do with as a parent wishes?

    Even the most staunch defender of 'rights' has to know that some parents aren't cut out to be parents.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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