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Thread: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

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  1. #1

    Default Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    As I mentioned on the Colcord thread, I stuck my head in there around 11AM on Friday and was quite impressed: Beautiful but small lobby, chic restaurant in Soleil, etc. I also noticed they had two black Cadillac Escalades with ‘Colcord Hotel’ discretely stenciled on the sides, no doubt for airport runs. Looked really sharp.

    Cut through the Sheraton Century Center (is it still called that?) and that was extremely depressing. They have opened it up to where there is a huge two-story open area in the middle but I only saw one small gift shop in the entire complex. There has got to be a better use for that space.

    Was glad to see all the progress at the Skirvin but it seems they still have a long way to go. Many windows still need to be installed, the fascia still has a ways to go, and the area north of the hotel is still completely torn up. Hopefully, they are making good progress inside.

    It was great to see the progress in Automobile Alley and Midtown. Just a year ago, I thought that area was quite dead but now you really start to see signs of life with construction everywhere. And of course, they are just getting started. I also noticed that St. Anthony is lit up at night and that adds some energy and draw to the area. The Paseo looked pretty much fully occupied and busy.

    I met a big group of people at the Bricktown Brewery on Friday night and the whole area was busy and fun. I can’t tell you how great it is to have a gathering spot in town, something we may be already starting to take for granted. Many of the people in our group were staying downtown and it really made the night fun because so many people could just walk back to their rooms. We ended up staying out until 2AM. 

    I also went to lunch on Friday at the North Fork Grill and for the first time felt the area around Quail Springs was starting to fill in. Yes, I know it’s mainly chain restaurants and mega-churches but there are now a significant number of office buildings out there and again, more energy.

    I took a quick drive through Capitol Hill and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it’s mainly Latino businesses in that area but not that long ago it had been almost completely abandoned and it was nice to see life and activity. It looked pretty well leased-up and the streetscape looked really well-done.

    And as a general observation, the entire city looked really beautiful with all the changing trees, particularly in the older areas. We all think of OKC as being a little barren – and there are parts that are – but that’s really not the case on the whole. Everywhere I drove I really enjoyed the rolling terrain and color.

    One final irony… Most know that I have been pretty disappointed with the constant time overruns regarding airport construction. On Sunday AM when I was there to catch my flight home, there was a huge section in the Oklahoma celebrating the completion of the remodel/expansion. But the newest part wasn’t open! There was still a wall separating the new space on the terminal side, the new security check point wasn’t operating, nor was the new baggage area. However, I did walk past the ropes and take a look around and they are getting pretty close. Hopefully they’ll some of it open for the holiday traffic but I bet they’ll be doing finish work for a couple more months.

    But here’s the thing that is most impressive for those of us looking for positive signs: Almost everyone I saw was really excited about what was happening in town: “Have you seen all the new condo projects under construction? We have two new hotels downtown and more on the way! People are so excited about the Hornets but the Sonics would be really cool, too. I’ve heard they’re opening a great new restaurant on Broadway. Hey, that new exit directly into Bricktown is open and boy does that make things easy.” Etc., etc.

    The airport promotional section had the tagline: “Another reason for Oklahoma City to be proud.” And I thought it was very true. Everywhere you turn in town, there is something new and exciting that has just been completed, under construction or planned.

    All this is very evident to a visitor but perhaps not so much to those that live in town and may be starting to take the constant change and improvements for granted.

  2. Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    What a great report! It is nice to hear from someone 'looking in from the outside' - we do take for granted the improvements sometimes..Thanks for sharing..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    The Century Center also has the Yard Dawg offices, and Gary Desjardsins' offices in there too. The hotel uses the wide-open space for breakfasts. It's easy to go there and set up a little breakfast or lunch for out-of-town guests, versus to bother with crooked catering people, as I would know from experience.

  4. Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    Wow, Malibu! You actually almost made OKC sound...well, cool!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    Meant to mention that the recently remodeled Sheraton hotel (not the Century Center part) was also impressive.

    The lobby had been nicely updated.

    And just west of the Skirvin, it looked like they were starting to build out some of the storefronts for the FNC. I assume this will be where BC Clark will be moving and that will look very nice facing the new Skirvin.

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    MalibuSooner, I appreciate your report. Sometimes, those of us that live here and enjoy the city everyday, forget about the progress that is still being made. I know I'm negative about Bricktown at times, but it's really come a long ways in 10 years. OKC is on the move! Continue the Renaissance!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    The improvements are very evident when you only visit once a year.

    I actually make a list of all the new stuff I want to see that has opened (or started) since the previous trip. This time around, it was so long I didn't get to everything.

    And with all the criticism of Lower Bricktowm (most of it deserved, IMO) Bricktown itself is pretty darn great. I can assure you that all the out-of-towners at my Friday night event down there were very impressed. It's just such a festive atmosphere and you really feel like you are in a big city when you are down there at night.

    Now with the Colcord opening, and the Residence Inn & Skirvin getting very close, I think I'll see the energy and activity level in that area cranked up another notch or two on my next visit.

    By then, the Plaza Court (McNellies, Irmas and others) will be open, as will the Skirvin (which I'm most excited about) and some of the new condo/apartment projects. And of course, that's just the short list.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    It was awesome to see you Friday night Mal, and thanks again for setting up the party.... we had a great time....

  9. Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    Can't wait to come back to Oklahoma City in spring! I also get a break from my exile in Texas for nine days next year to party with Oklahoma for the state centennial. No way in hell I would miss that.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  10. Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    Thanks, Malibu, great report. About the Skirvin's progress, it's really coming along quite nicely. In the past couple of months, the changes have been impressive, and they are shooting for a February opening. I'm thinking they will make it or by early March.

    But, you are so right about "change in attitude", myself included. It's great to feel good about your town!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Was in town over the weekend… My thoughts

    There is no question that the change in attitude of the citizens and civic leaders is by far the biggest difference I see and I also think it's OKC's greatest asset at this point.

    There is such a "we can do anything now" climate in the air and when there is big talk about regenerating the area between downtown and the river, instead of negativism most people will likely point to the trail system or the Chesapeake Boathouse or the various river events and dream of what could be.

    The simple truth is the city is on such a winning streak that there's no reason to believe it won't continue. What an amazing shift from just 15 years ago when many laughed at MAPS and expected it to fail.

    There is now legitimate PRIDE in OKC, and you feel it almost everywhere you go.

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